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Jumping And Pumping All Night

Old lady to her husband: I couldn't sleep last night.
Husband: What happened?
Lady: The new neighbors upstairs were JAPAN.
Husband: Tell you what, you want to do that too?
Lady: WTF?

by african_dude February 15, 2008

211đź‘Ť 213đź‘Ž


War crime for korea

Hentai japan

by princevsanime January 14, 2022

8đź‘Ť 4đź‘Ž


Okay, to the two who wrote this: the truth is the Chinese and Japanese people in general get along just fine. They are both emerging world-superpowers and their economic ties are bringing them closer together. Also, with the booming economy, more people are traveling. I’ve never heard of any Japanese who went to China or any Chinese who went to Japan say anything negative about the people’s attitude towards them there. But, if you must talk about their political ties in the past and present, please don’t be so ignorant as to write the things below:

"'ok if japan has apologized numerous times, why cant they just issue an official apology then? yes, certain ppl have "apologized" for japans actions, but has the government?? has the japanese government even admitted to doing the things they did in WWII?'

The apologies I am talking about are from the Japanese government. There is on Wikipedia I believe an entire list of these apologies, it's rather long my friend. There is also been the offers of financial compensation that were TURNED DOWN BY THE CCP. Japan has issued numerous official government apologies.’”

The problem here is that Japan's action does not match her words. Yes they apologized to the China and Korea for brutal mass murders and rape, but then they turned around to worship their war-crime generals. Key word here is WORSHIP. It is hard for people not to feel that the official apologies are just superficial words. I’ll take some excerpts from a report by BBC.News.
“Yasukuni Shrine - the name means 'peaceful country' - was founded in 1869 on the orders of Emperor Meiji. At the centre of the shrine's controversy is the fact that those venerated include 14 convicted class A war criminals, including Prime Minister General Hideki Tojo. Within the shrine, the souls of the dead are worshipped rather than just remembered. Surrounded by war banners and military regalia, the Yasukuni kami are venerated by hundreds of thousands of visitors who attend the shrine each year. Current Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has made four visits to Yasukuni since he took office in 2001.”
You said, “The shrine is not for the Criminals the shrine is for all who died in war. And yes it would be okay for a member of the German govt to visit Hitler's grave as long as it was not to honour Hitler.”
I highly doubt any German officials will make an official visit to the grave of Hitler, let alone worship it. Get your facts straight please. Just think, if Britain’s Prince Harry can stir up as much international outrage as he did by just wearing a swastika to a party…
“Not at all, I am pointing out the inconsistancy that comes from the CCP brainwashing. They will scream for the deaths of Japanese people who weren't even born when the war took place but won't even call for the punishment of a government that is still to this day brutalizing them and murdering them, forcing abortions on women etc. The CCP are deliberately ignoring Japan's govts many apologies, offers of compensation to drive up hate against the Japs to keep the Chinese from realizing who their real enemy is now. Their own kin.“

Um… okay, no one’s screaming for your deaths. I don’t think I’ll even bother to prove to you that no one’s screaming for the Japanese people’s deaths…Honestly where did you hear that from? Many news coverage have done interviews on everyday Chinese people on this matter, and all of them expressed aversion towards the Japanese government’s lack of repentance and not towards the general people of Japan. As for “brutalizing them and murdering them, forcing abortions on women etc,” I don’t know what country you live in but speak for yourself please. As far as I can tell you probably think China is a third world country where its citizens are still scraping mud for a living.
Chinese protesters are angry about new Japanese school textbooks, which they say gloss over wartime atrocities.
O and about the compensation. Japan was so poor by the end of the war that it offered to pay China with cherry trees- an offer that was turned down by Chairman Mao as a sign of improved relations. By the way, Wikipedia is good leisure reading, but it's not an official source; it's written by people like you and me, or at most by some amateur historians. Try using it for a college paper and we'll see how far it gets you. Instead, you should read the news more.

And don't say open your damn eyes, it means you sound more stupid.

BBC: Japanese Views on China
Watanabe, office worker
I speak to my work colleagues in China every day. Our Chinese partners are all smart middle class people just like us in Japan.

Whether these people are different from the demonstrators I don't know. But from a business and work perspective I've never had a problem with any of my Chinese colleagues.

BBC: Chinese Views on Japan
Cui, 42, taxi driver
Patriotism is important in China. We should all feel patriotic.

But I think we should lap up Japanese technology because it is good. We should accept its good things.

Japanese people seem nice. I admire the ones I've met - I admire their Japanese spirit. It is just their invasion of China which I do not admire.

by Angela Li April 15, 2006

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Japan is basically one of the coolest countries, in my opinion. They have wonderful food, adorable people, and a totally badass language. Their music is very fun and entertaining but the majority of their bands don't have much talent (although anything can sound cool if it's spoken in Japanese).They have very cool styles such as J-rock and the amazing harajuku

One country i would like to visit is Japan.

by awesomeashley73 May 16, 2009

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a nation so technologically advanced that...
they still eat with sticks?

as i peered into the window of the most intelligent technological experts from japan, they opted to archaically eat with sticks

by william joseph hemmington January 21, 2006

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A country on the Northern Hemisphere, located in the Eastest end of the Far East, with about 130 million residents. Like most modern societies, Japan's struggles with its population getting too old, people of high age dominating demographics. The way they solve it can be a guide for now developing countries.

In the past Japan was influenced by China mainly, and since Perry's black ships in the 1850s, there was a growing pressure on the country to match Western customs and expectations, which may have peaked in the decades that followed World War II.

Still its culture's pretty unique, different from even Chinese in many aspects, as Ruth Benedict explained carefully in The Chrysanthemum and The Sword. It's dominated by shame, as opposed to Western cultures which are guided by sin. That is, while before doing something a Westerner would ask himself "Does this make me sin?", a Japanese rather asks "Will other people think this shames me?" This is also why they are so group-centric.

Japan is an island country in East Asia, located in the Pacific Ocean.

The economic miracle achieved by Japan in the second half of the 20th country was the envy of the rest of the world.

by Gabriel the Hun October 14, 2007

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An East asian country famous for its technology, cars, pop culture and animations. Maintains a lively music culture. has a number of high quality merchandises which must be found among much of the garbage that also resonates from their companies. a once eastern nation it is now becoming increasingly westernized. responsible for many past atrocities and the world's leader in child porn. however they are not worse than america, they are just more known for it. a large amount of their negative qualities can be said to come from their forcede opening of borders by america and their westernization. they have alot of positive qualities and alot of negatives, like any other culture

Japan is a cool country.

by windscar1 December 9, 2004

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