A honest, powerful, and well respected being (opposite of a "gind").
The very short (but bad) princess was rescued by that courageous lanta.
an alternative word for god
All Scripture is mylanta-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of Mylanta may be thoroughly equipped for every good work
2-timothy 3:16-17
Everyone knows about the word ginder. This is the word Lanta. You can either choose
Be a ginder, or be a Lanta.
Everyone starts off as a young gindlet. They must overcome their path and challenges for a greater lifestyle. Lantas and Ginders are 2 different sides of the spectrum. You must choose what you become. Get guidance from the ritual of yo8. There are a few exception. A few rare ones as someone would say. A Gind. Much different from Ginder or Lanta. You must figure out what they mean and the importance of it.
Real Lanta shit
I got 2 Lantas with me
Lanta is cutest person ever. She is kind of kind. She enjoy her life and very positive at everything. She like to drink green tea.
Lanta is green tea
Something a country girl says all the time
For no apparent reason
And then I kissed her
Oh my lanta
Something that is absolutely cray cray and hard to believe
Friend: Yoo I'm back with my ex for the 6th time
Me:Oh My Lanta✋