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Lipstick Lesbian

A type of fake lesbian that likes to make out with girls and pretend to be bisexual but usually and almost exclusively date men. The term comes from the idea that a lipstick lesbian puts on her lesbianism as a party accessory like she puts on lipstick when she goes out. The original and punny definition is NOT just a feminine lesbian.

Guy 1: I saw Nicole making out with that other hot girl at the party. I didn't know she was a lesbian.

Guy: She is a lipstick lesbian and so she she just acts that way when she goes out.

by direktor1 December 4, 2009

31πŸ‘ 253πŸ‘Ž

Lipstick Lesbian

A very feminine lesbian who tends to act like a straight girl but is actually a lesbian. Enjoys very girly things and products, is proud of being a Lipstick

Kinda looks like a Thot but isn’t a thot


A: Hey Lexi who is your boyfriend?
B: I don’t have a boy friend, I’m gay.
A: Oh shit, I thought you were straight

B: No, I’m just a Lipstick lesbian.

Ex 2.
Omg she is such a Lipstick

by Myeeeeest January 28, 2020

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Lipstick Lesbian

A lipstick lesbian is a woman who is putting up a front of being a lesbian when in fact, she is merely curious about lesbianism.

The use of the word lipstick refers to the fact that these women are putting up a sexual facade similar to the facade that women of all sexual orientations put on when they apply make-up. Make-up hides the real woman underneath, and a woman who is a lipstick lesbian is also similarly putting on a front. While being with a woman is something they have desired, they ultimately are just curious and not serious.

Lesbian1: That girl has been flirting with me all night! I'm going to make my move.

Lesbian2: Don't bother. I tried for the last month and she won't do anything except kiss. She's just a lipstick lesbian.

by Insidivs September 2, 2010

17πŸ‘ 224πŸ‘Ž

Lipstick Lesbian

A lipstick lesbian is a sexy lesbian who is aroused or turned on by sexier lesbians

I’m a lipstick lesbian cause damn my girls sexy as fuck

by Lover l_0 November 13, 2017

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Lipstick Butch Lesbian

A biofemale who is sexualy attracted to other biofemale's, who feels and expresses - maleness, as a gender ID, but does not want to transition into a male body, AND dresses as a female..ie: wears makeup/wings/high heels/female clothes/fake fingernails etc... esp. if the manner of dress is for the purpose of being attractive to a Lipstick Femme.

A Lipstick Femme is often mistaken as a straight female.
A Lipstick Butch Lesbian, may also be mistaken as a straight female, who doesn't act like a girl. or even mistaken as a man in drag... a lipstick butch is sometimes refered to as a 'lesbian drag queen'..(not to be confused with a drag KING) or a 'butch in drag'.

by jayt_101 February 10, 2011

3πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Lipstick lesbian

A lipstick lesbian is a woman who pretends to enjoy sex with other women, in order to a please men. Aka, a fake lesbian. The reason for this is that she is 'putting on' her lesbianism, as you put on a lipstick.

She knows he loves to see her eating pussy; she's a lipstick lesbian.

by Psyzzle_wazzle_returns October 5, 2020

Black Lipstick Lesbian

A goth girl who is an occasional lesbian

Do you remember those black lipstick lesbians from high school who thought they were witches?

by JakersMcBakers June 18, 2012