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tune in my room

To listen to music in one's bedroom.

I just want to relax and tune in my room.

by Plasmaguy September 11, 2016

If you’re bored you can come to my room

Jimin’s way of asking for a juicy night with his boyfriend Jungkook.

Jimin: (gives Jungkook the “Jungkook-ssi~~~ I’m needyyy for the jungcock” look)

Jungkook: “We aren’t sharing a room, Jimin-ssi”

Jimin: “If you’re bored you can come to my room.”

by ausgotnojams August 14, 2018

going to my room

An excuse you tell your parents so they think your just hanging out when really you go upstairs and fuck your partner.

"Mum? We're just going to my room!"

by Unicorn velociraptor September 18, 2015