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monkey nuts

Choocolate covered carmel-almond clusters. Could also be cashew, peanut, or any other type of nut.

Hey, what are those, monkey nuts?

by Tom January 7, 2003

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Monkey nuts

Dominic has testicles that hang like two aired up basketballs in a trash bag they feel so good in your mouth youโ€™ll end up spitting on his testicles and sucking on them

I got yo girl on top riding me with my dick in her but while her best friend is sucking on my monkey nuts

by Deeep sea sex May 5, 2021

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monkey nuts

small insane simians; or those who are fanitical over them

"look mommy, monkey nuts!"

by malicious and kisses da klowns November 21, 2003

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Monkey nut cruncher

Bollock molestor

Brian from SMTV, Peter Mandelson, many others

by Philan the Barbarian September 1, 2003

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sucks monkey nuts

sucks really really bad

playing cricket sucks monkey nuts

by Geraint April 16, 2004

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roast monkey nuts

Roast monkey nuts is a painful medical condition where a monkey sits or sleeps too close to a fire and suffers burned nads.

Our backyard camping trip was going great until "Cheetah" fell asleep next to the fire.

We had to take him to EMS with roast monkey nuts.

by scodder June 1, 2010

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Monkey Nut Blast

When you nut inside her and its over powered

Oh Shit; I just Monkey Nut blasted all over!

by Jokeynutblast December 13, 2016

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