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ozark church

A building project using a crooked construction company, with no intention of the project actually being completed, as a means to launder money or rip off investors.

Netflix original series Ozark features a money laundering scheme where, main character Marty Byrde, launders money through building a church and inflating construction costs.

The Tangerine Troll stole billions from people by forcing them to build a giant Ozark Church on the boarder of Mexico.

by ComradeWinston September 2, 2017

Ozark Sauna

You wait till someone is taking a hot shower. When the bathroom starts to steam up. You quietly sneak in the bathroom and take a dump in the toilet.

Man my wife dutch ovened me last night. So I got her back this morning. I waited till she was in the shower. Then I snuck in the bathroom and made an Ozark Sauna. She was so pissed.

by Kcray81 August 29, 2020

Erin Ozark

Erin Ozark was a beautiful empress from the early 14th century in Japan. She cared for the sick and was infamous for assisting the elderly. Erin had a passion for nature as well and often used natural resources for medicinal purposes. It is said in Japanese mythology that she enconterd a bear while searching for black berries to feed her grandmother. The bear attacked her and left his mark on the young woman's face. She then received the nickname, bearface.

Japanese Empress- Erin Ozark

by Jr WOPper June 2, 2009

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fuck me in the ozarks

An epithet used to express extreme frustration. It's funny because it refers to Ned Beatty's character getting ass-rammed by hillbillies in the movie "Deliverance," while defeating the listener's expectation that an orifice, rather than a geographic location, will be mentioned as the terminal word. Originated by maddox.

"Fuck me in the Ozarks," screamed the alien when I threw water on him and he started melting.

by SkidMarkyMark June 3, 2006

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fly Ozark Airlines

Euphemism for fuck off, asshole!

If anything I have said offends you, go fly Ozark Airlines. - Don Rickles @ the Orleans Showroom on 6/5/2010.

by Uncle LC June 6, 2010

ozark trail burger

The Ozark Trail burger is a hamburger topped with barbecue sauce, chili and cheese, in that specific order. For the best burger, it is important to use Costco sirloin burgers, Sweet Baby Ray's sauce, Hormel Chili and Costco Cheddar Cheese.

I'm so hungry I could eat three Ozark Trail Burgers.

by AndyTee September 30, 2009

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The art of binging on a Series or subject that keeps you preoccupied from beginning to end.

Iwhen i texted my sister with no response, I asked her if she was ozarking on the series we just watched.

by ChanceyNancey April 4, 2020