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Proof of Hotness. This term can be used when somebodys friends are questioning the attractiveness of a person.

Bro lets see POH

by What colour were the lights May 11, 2023


An inconsiderate, selfish, mindless human being who doesn’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves.

My neighbor is such a POHS. He does whatever the fuck he wants regardless of the people around him.

by Dart flights February 19, 2024


a very veryyyyyyy cute girl.

A: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who is the cutest of Them All?

B : She.. Poh

by ccoottoonn November 23, 2021


Something that Eclipse can't beat (Pantheon of Hollownest)

Hey, did you know that Eclipse can't beat POH?

by Phantsm March 14, 2021