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10th Prestige

The most prestigious prestige in Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty: World at War. Only those who do not see sunlight for more than 2 hours a day can ever reach this level of honor. Players of the game take great pride in reaching this oh so distant new world. Unfortunately the new world is full of helicopters, dogs from hell, and criticism.

"Dogboy is such a punk because he will never reach 10th prestige because he never rolls over"

"After 13 days 4 hours and 51 minutes, I have finally reached 10th prestige."

by Mr J0E KERR February 24, 2009

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prestige nigga

Before becomining a prestige nigga. You need to accomplish all the challenges of being a real nigga. When completed all those challenges you will then be anointed "Prestige nigga". You will know because everyone will have respect for you. When prestige nigga you have power to do anything. You are basically the "Master nigga"

Man being a real nigga was hard but now I'm a prestige nigga, so I have control of everything now.

by Prestige nigga. Real nigga November 25, 2016

prestige whore

This person is an elitist who cares only about how prestigious their jobs and/or college degrees are. They consider people who attend top notch schools that aren't quite "elite" - such as Rice, Northwestern, and Duke - to be pretty dumb. If anyone isn't a doctor, lawyer, investment banker, or prominent politician, then a prestige whore is simply too "elite" to talk to this TTT.

After the prestige whore retook his 1480 SAT in hopes of getting into Harvard, he jumped off of a cliff after learning that his score declined.

by ThatsBriskBaby October 24, 2004

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Prestige Disease

A disease which causes many teen males to stay home from school in order to rank up on call of duty. The only symptoms of prestige disease are a long period of time spent playing the game, and rapid ranking up by a player on Xbox.

"Mike, do you know why Paul never showed up today?"
"I heard he stayed home because he has prestige disease, he has played two days of Call of Duty in the past week."

by TheGreatJamal April 9, 2010

prestige gooning

A state of sexual pleasure achieved through masturbation in which one ascends beyond consciousness and becomes one with his penis. The utmost form of gooning.

I got so far into prestige gooning yesterday that I became my penis.

by tomatoBhutan May 7, 2022

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Prestige Worldwide

From the 2008 comedy film 'Stepbrothers' starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. Ferrell and Reilly's characters create an "international global band" called Prestige Worldwide. The film and term have since gained a cult following

Let's make a band, but don't give it an ordinary name, it'll be called Prestige Worldwide

by BigDave853 August 5, 2013

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10th prestige

a master of his craft, the 10th prestige must be fluent in 1337 speak and barely have their flesh burned by the oh so abusive sunlight, usually a basement dweller of abnormal proportions who lives on hot pockets and other microwavable delights

what the hell is that blob?
it's rob, he just reached 10th prestige

holy shit this guy went 49 and 2
relax he's a tenth, he doesn't know any better

by xX1337scopesXx September 21, 2010

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