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Someone who is so dumb that they are in high school, yet still in pre-algebra

Brah, he is still in pre algebra. What a pretard!

by Trebly12 February 12, 2013

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1) Often used when referring to a preteen retard.
2) Retarded in the future sense.

1) "Hank, I caught our son fucking the cat, he's most definitively a Pretard."
2) "We've done some tests and your soon-to-be born daughter is a pretarded. Condolences."

by Kong Nicolai auf Hai. March 18, 2004

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someones state before they say/do something retarded.

"Im about to do something really retarded."

"I guess that would make you a pretard then."

by jennjennjennjenn November 14, 2008

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When you can tell someone is retarded even before hearing them speak.

"That Pat bitch sure is pretarded"

by Ryan1998191 July 14, 2008

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(pronunciation-rhymes with retard)Someone who, while not actually retarded, is very, very stupid; he/she may be on the cusp of retardedness.

You: So, what do you think of Sarah Palin?

Me: I think she's a fucking pretard.

by ricky retardo, esq. April 11, 2010

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1. any rearded person whose name happens to be Peter
2. Anyone born retarded or just stupid
3. Pre–retarded

1. "Hey, he's pretty stupid." "I know he came out of his mother pretarded."
2. "His name is peter too, ohh then he must be a pretard."

by Jacques March 14, 2005

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Someone who is about to lose a fight.

The guy Ali is fighting is just some pretard.

by Poppy Guapo July 11, 2005

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