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Whacker's Remorse

that kinda depressed feeling you sometimes get after masturbating.

"I just deleted my entire porn collection"
"Damn, whacker's remorse, son"

by nshields July 15, 2008

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Googler's Remorse

When, after googling something, you come up with offensive and/or vulgar results that are irrelevant to what you wanted to find in the first place.

"I had no idea when I googled 'Bears' I'd come up with pictures of hairy chested gay men. Serious Googler's Remorse."

"I'd be scarred for life."

by P Banger October 1, 2009

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gamer's remorse

The creepy, inexplicable feeling of guilt at having wasted solid days of free time playing a computer game, despite having enjoyed every minute of it.
The feeling is increased if the wasted day was sunny.

When Tomoko's alarm woke her for work she felt a pang of gamer's remorse, remembering her 12 hour Pokemon binge the previous day.

by tomoko watanabe April 26, 2011

Facebooker's Remorse

When you get really smashed and go on facebook, you comment on everyone's status and say stupid crazy stuff. You tell all the hot chicks on your profile that you want them. The next day you have a case of Facebooker's Remorse and you delete all of your comments!

I can't believe I commented on Jen's status and told her to shut up and get a life. I was so smashed now I have "facebooker's remorse"

by Facebook By Proxy October 1, 2009

buyer's remorse

when one buys an item and feels regret about the purchase soon thereafter. while buyer's remorse is normally restricted to expensive purchases that have probably busted the buyer's budget, this sentiment can also occur when a person buys a totally useless and inappropriate item.

This is not to be confused with winner's curse.

Karl: Chris has a serious case of buyer's remorse coming up pretty soon.

Ryan: Really? What makes you say that?

Karl: He just bought a silly ass Dontrelle Marlins jersey just bc it costs $30. Wait until he realizes that instead of buying something that will only make him look stupid if he ever actually wears it, he could have just saved; that dude loves saving money.

by his majesty the king April 29, 2008

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Tattoo Remorse

Looking back on a tattoo you got when you were younger, or thought would be cool at the time, you realize the tattoo is stupid and wish you had never gotten it in the first place.

Joe: My tattoo remorse is catching up on me after looking in the mirror and realizing getting my ex-wife's name "Jessica" tattooed on my arm was just dumb.

John: Yeah, that looks just plain stupid now.

by JoeyJr. September 20, 2009

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boinker's remorse

Like buyer's remorse, boinker's remorse is also a feeling of regret, but it comes the day after boinking someone. (Somewhat less vulgar than banger's remorse.)

Pat woke up in someone else's bed, discovered Chris naked in the bed, and experienced boinker's remorse.

by LaLaLander17 February 15, 2009