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Rokuta Server

We a fun little server with an owner with a fat ass. uhm that joint has about 1.6k people in it so you should join and boost for some bitches and also Ghosted#1400 deserves Head Of Staff for making this

join Rokuta Server today .gg/grounded

by ghosted1400 March 31, 2022

War Of The Servers

A movie created by Robert Stonemen made to be originally just a simple machmina about Garry's Mod but do to quick fame it ended up being the alterning moment of Garry's Mod. How? It brought in thosands maybe even milions of players to Garry's Mod it alterd the culture by changing Gmodian minds by giving the simplcy of love for war. Eventually the change made it where Gmod was once Peace and Love to an amazing game that can either be about the simple thing called friendship or become a hard bitten genreal in war.

"This time you can't ban them" - War Of The Servers Poster Quote

by JoeSkylynx January 27, 2009

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isa server

Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

1. (n) The world's hardest piece of software to install, configure, manage, and master.

2. A Web/Firewall/Proxy server by Micro$oft designed to piss you and other IT professionals off.

3. The biggest fucking, ass ramming, donkey raping, headache giving, piece of shit in the world.

Employees: I can't access the internet!
MIS Department: It's the ISA Server go blaim the ISA Server!
Employees: Is it that piece of shit acting up again?
MIS Department: Ja!
Employees: Hey guys! Why don't we take a break from work and get a couple of sledge hammers!

by nimbys_suck July 7, 2005

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Dead server

A server that is no longer used by many people and instead only a few. dead servers typically have a lot of people in it but only have 3-4 active people. some dead servers turn into wastelands, where no one is even alive

Me and my friends use to talk all the time there but now it’s just a Dead Server

by Supermegapp69 March 8, 2021

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no server november

A protest against 2b2t and the owner hausemaster started by a group of Minecraft players called the Book Club. No server November is an attempt to lag and shut down the server in retaliation to the Book Club being banned.

Steve: Why is the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft down?
Alex: It's no server November.

by Duck Eggs November 9, 2019

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Server-Hopping is an action of jumping from one server to another on a online game, for misc reasons (usually to get some kind of prize)

A: bro i've been trying for so long to get the ULTIMATE GAMER CRATE, how am i supposed to join the game 70 times in a week?

B: have you tried server-hopping?

A: what the hell is that

by dodgedopesnakeslitherwoahnoah May 14, 2021

Mop Server

mop server is a good server but the problem is the owner, he is a inactive at who thinks he's doing the best for his server but isn't

Hey guys you should join mop server (kxKyvwj), It has btd6 experts, retards and gay shits

by NotHexalia May 8, 2021

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