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Mexican word for Drug-Dealer

El es buen Shaka.

He's a Shaka

by R.I.P Belen Ramos July 20, 2008

26👍 74👎


Adj.-to be totally girth-ey and totally cool at once.

yo you see that fat kid mackin' those girls?he mad shaka,fa sheezey

by andérson March 25, 2003

15👍 94👎

The Shaka

to make sweet sweet love to a woman while looking totally adorable

wow, look at that totally cool stud pulling off a shaka

by Anonymous March 24, 2003

2👍 9👎

Shaka’s People

A slang, generic reference to what is essentially the “In Crowd” which may have begun in the 1970s but persists and is still powerful in conveying it’s same meaning today.

I am one of Shaka’s People; it’s made me a better person and I feel good about it and what it means to me.

by Dr Bunnygirl September 6, 2019

shaka ferda

A spin on the classic Hawaiian hang gesture (often associated with surfers) used to show a sign of respect and excitement, specifically for the boys (ferda boys). When one sends a difficult trick for the boys.

Shaka ferda bro let’s go shred at the beach.

Shaka ferda, send it for the boys.

by Tourmaline July 6, 2021

Shaka brah

The act or description of performing something something radical, shreddy, or totally dope

Dude! That power slide was shaka brah!

by Big Quig November 15, 2019

43👍 11👎

Shaka bra

A term said in combination with a hand gesture where you extend your thumb and pinky, while keeping the middle three fingers closed.
Often associated with pictures taken whilst on boring trips down zip lines.

Okay, you're all strapped in! So, about halfway down the line, you'll have your pictute taken! Remember to do the shaka bra when i yell "Shaka Bra"!

by Toblucz June 12, 2016

40👍 11👎