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moo shoo


Man, I need to get some moo shoo, quick.

by Stevie Ray Gallagher November 14, 2008

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Shoo we

Term used by young adults at the end of a sentence to add humor and/or hickness to whatever there saying. It tends to be most said in Mercer County, Ohio and is impossible to only say once.

Shoo we the weather sure is nice today.

by Mercer Slang April 17, 2017

shoo wee

Something absolutely disgusting, makes you gag.

Someone ugly.

Foul smelling.

person 1: I just sharted...
person 2: shoo fucking wee!!!!!!

person 1: a homeless man asked me on a date today.
person 2: shoo wee

by lizlissa October 9, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

shoo yo

"Shoot Yo" - see damn homie

homie 1 - i'ma shoot yo ass mothafucka
homie 2 - shoo yo, chill out nig

by Snoopy to the D-O-double-G January 25, 2004

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Shoo the birds

(verb)- When females in a group purposely ditch the males so they can go have sex with each other.

"Hey Kate, you look so hot tonight! Lets shoo the birds and go back to my place!" says a very horny Veronika.

by screaming creamer May 25, 2009

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lovable shoo

When someone thinks they are shooing you away in a caring, lovable fashion EXCEPT this concept doesn't actually exist and is not possible. Every shoo is a bad shoo.

Example of a lovable shoo: I am lovingly shoo-ing you for the remainder of the work day, in lieu of you having a busy day.

by Yumi414 March 1, 2017

Shoo Kitty

When the wellness of being is overwhelming.

*Hits Blunt* Why is a delivery in a car called a shipment, but a delivery in a ship is called cargo? -SHOO KITTY!

by taradise January 19, 2020