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Squirty Sanchez

Similar to the commonly known "dirty sanchez", this one consists of the use of one's own post-coitus fluids, or that of their partner's.

After we made sweet love, I gave my man a squirty sanchez.

by AlyciaJade January 24, 2009

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Squirty meal

This is when you make a girl squirt few moments to when she has her period. Then you use her cum as water to cook pasta and her period blood as sauce then her blood cloth as meat balls .

Me and the street hooker made a squirty meal after sex

by Al fayeed December 28, 2021

Squirty nurse

Nurse who has casual sex and can squirt from her hot pussy

Bet she is a squirty nurse mate

by Royston28471 May 19, 2022

hurty squirties

Explosive diarrhea resulting from eating incredibly spicy foods, making one feel as though they are expelling liquid fire from their rectum.

"I need to stop eating at that Thai place down the street...I spent all morning on the toilet with the hurty squirties!"

by Drunken38 July 6, 2019

Squirty Burrito

The heinous act of wrapping your warm penis in a tortilla and dousing it in diablo sauce from taco bell

Dude, I watched a video of someone doing a Squirty Burrito last night

by Ilikebigcheese December 15, 2020

Squirty birdy

When you feed laxatives to seagulls at the beach and watch them have diarrhea all over everyone


by DadDdre March 23, 2022

Squirty Cream

Its a the evacuation of a cream pie (seman) from a greatful female host threw sneezing or intense orgasm. The evaluation is so violent it causes the cream pie to be evacuated like a airsol.

By wife just sneezed after sex, now there is squirty cream all over the bed

by Dr omlet pasty masher December 21, 2018

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