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(adj) intoxicated, extremely drunk

"After drinking for several hours, Edward was mad swilled."

by edson March 14, 2005

26πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Typically a disgusting bath containing spit and puke! Swill can also be a type of gin that has been sitting in the window for 5 months.

A psychopath baths in swill and drinks it too because he doesn't give a flying fuck.

by pychopath May 13, 2015

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The act of drinking alcoholic beverages.

To get swille

Michael gets swille at school to get good grades

by xxxNIFSEXxxx October 25, 2008


to express confidence in something that swill happen, versus something that swon't.

Swill you give me a break? I swon't hear a second more of this.

by rstatic April 5, 2022


A male who has it all: class, is hot, comes off confident, and knows what he's doing. It is a combination if swag and chill. Usually this kind of guy wears Armani underwear and very fine clothing. A man/guy cannot be considered swill without such attire. Most girls seem to gravitate towards swill guys. Swill guys are the ultimate definition of hot.(especially guys in NYC)

Girl A: That guy I went clubbing with last Saturday is so f...ing swill!

Girl B: Really, you should get with him!

Girl A: I will!

by Thtgirl9 December 26, 2013

11πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


To throw your drink over someone in an aggressive manor

β€œOmg. I can’t believe Kimberly has been sleeping with Jared. If I see her out tonight, I’m going to swill her!”

by Sjh_ June 29, 2020

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A swill is very similar to a chav or a townie, infact i think think they are the same thing. Any way a swill is a person that usually listens to really bad music like chart crap and rap. Girl swills tend to be very tarty,wear lots of burberry von dutch and any other thing thats supposed to be fashionable and cheap looking and wear lots of "bling" fake gold jewellery. They also tend to scrap all their hair back and tie it up on the top of their heads and they wear make up thats looks like it's been applied with a shovel. Boy swills tend to be very stupid. They like to wear track suits and like nike. They also like bling and wear baseball caps so the the top bit sticks right up in the air making them look like dickheads. They also like burberry.

Go watch vicky pollard on little britain and you will find out.

by i_am_a_pirate November 29, 2004

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