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the name given to my bottom and vagina as a young child... can be used to describe the presence of the ass, vagina, and penis...UNIVERSAL*adding doodler to the end gives more of a manly feel*

Oh cropshakes!he fucked me in the wankie!
Stick your wankie in my wankie!
Let's rub wankies!

by ashley2sexc June 25, 2005

13πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


To be cranky and to whine.

"Stop being wanky or i wil ground you."

by digigoogi August 16, 2009

27πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


adverb: a feeling of overwhelming sexual arousal that comes over you when you've got no other sexual outlet than masturbation (wanking off, having a wank, etc.). Like horny except that horniness may include the arousal that comes when you actually have a partner to relieve the sexual tension with, or can get one.

Carrie: "God, I watched Troy again and I've been feeling wanky over Brad Pitt all day."
Janet: "Why do you do this to yourself? Just call up Greg and get him down there for a booty call!"
Carrie: "I can't. He'll think I still have feelings for him. I'm just gonna get in a hot bath and wank it out of my system."

by Pleasure Boy 1, erotic fiction author May 24, 2007

32πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


Completely absurd, crazy, ludicrous

Evan you are acting so wanky

by nglettire April 4, 2008

22πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A nickname given to Detroit’s own Joseph Billops formally known as Vernon Joseph Neville Billops

Deante: I then lost Wanky to the streets
Chris: Wankyyyyy

by Jnutty30 April 9, 2019

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The act of standing naked in front of a mirrow while wanking and taking a 'selfie' on your phone

Friend 1: Dude, did you get that epic Wankie i sent you?
Friend 2: Yuck, that shit cray

by Zigmatic May 7, 2014

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


In the fandom community, person A would describe person B or person B's behavior as "wanky" if any of the following conditions are met:

- Person B expresses an opinion that person A disagrees with
- Person B expresses an emotion on a public forum or blog
- Person B has an argument with Person C over any subject on a public forum or blog

Also, "wank" is the noun used to refer to the behavior itself.

"Those people got into an argument; it was so wanky, let's make fun of them!"

"Those people got upset because of a website being homophobic; that's so wanky, let's make fun of them!"

by ChaosRocket October 6, 2007

24πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž