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useless, no value

My Worthless ass cousin moved to Vegas and is still the same Worthless mf he was in Toledo.

by 8NTSHYT December 13, 2021


Someone with absolutely no sense of reality his surroundings, opportunitis or truth.

Did you even have a plan or making any fucking money off it with your worthless back stabbing ass. NAKED MOLES ARE STUPID AS FUCK.

by Maryofmagdelene June 18, 2018

worthless bitch

It is a “term of endearment”, giving to one ex-wife that has screwed you, a man over, taking, his kids, his house, his furniture, his clothes, his business equipment, and his dog. She has caused him to lose his job(s) and keeps him from finding any meaningful employment, or any job to pay his child support, so she has him arrested and thrown in jail, she is a completely unfair, lying and discussion two timing person.

Miriam, (we will say Miss Smith) demands to know when you are going to pay her child support so she can purchase a new car for herself. Mrs. Smith, "Keith, I want my money now, all of it, or you are going to jail”. Keith, “but I will lose my job and I am paying the best I can”. Miss Smith, “who gives a shit!” “I want my money now, and I want that solid gold crown tooth that you had taken out of your mouth, that you had since you were a child, I want that, it was to be mine, you own me.” Tom, "who is that ugly mean bitch." Keith, "that is my x-wife, she is such a worthless bitch! She never does anything to earn money, just takes it from the kid’s child support money and uses it for herself. Tom, you were actually married to that? Tom, I agree, she comes across as a stupid worthless bitch. Tom, I bet you are glad to be out of that marriage." Keith, "Yes, I am glad I only have to put up with that shit from a distance, that worthless bitch!

by Billy BullSchitter April 5, 2017

worthless motherfucker

To be completely without worth, and a motherfucker at the same time.

Those guys sure are a bunch of worthless motherfuckers!

by Linetrash January 22, 2014


A lazy, unproductive co-worker, whose lack of work ethic means you have to work that much harder to carry their load.

My co-worthless Lester called in sick again and now I'm stuck covering his graveyard shift. I hope the little weasel gets sick for real!

by tuftskins January 27, 2010

Worthless Shitbag

A person so unremarkable and toxic that they can be reduced to this term, a worthless sack of flesh containing organs, bones, excrement, etc. Implicit understanding that to use the name of an animal to describe said person would be unfair to the animal in question (pig, rat, cockroach, all of whom have good social bonding skills).

Trump the worthless shitbag lived in DC (To the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea)

by Bzone_truth June 11, 2018

Worthless Mutt

A dog, any dog. Common domesticated dogs

"I went to the park today and there were so many worthless mutts at the park."
"A worthless mutt attacked me today. The owner didn't care"

by Tim Watsonthefirst November 15, 2021