A name given to one of the hottest and sluttiest girls on earth, the girl is also smart, swedish and amazing in every way. Can also be used as a synonym for a smokin' hot girl.
A: Hey, is that a Nina?
B: Nah, she is not nearly as sexy as a Nina.
The definition of Nina is an insult for someone you either don't like, annoy you or argue with a lot. It's origins is from a dutch video of 2 kids arguing.
The insult Nina is most likely used in a negative verb and can be used against all genders.
Pick me girl: "I really want a relationship but no one seems to like me"
Me: "go cry about it Nina"
Karen: "You aren't allowed to park here"
Me: "Okay Nina no one cares"
nina or lil nina, refers to a handgun or lady
that's my lil nina right there
The most fun-lovin and overly caring girl you will ever meet.
She's so sweet and cares, almost too much, about other people's feelings.
She might be religious or supersticious and is very serious about her beliefs, although the won't force them on anyone.
Nina is someone who loves to show affection but isn't sure if she likes recieving it.
She is BEAUTIFUL but doesmt really think that herself.
Nina will often befriend people who make her feel worthwhile, although she does make mistakes sometimes and then doesnt know how to remove a person out of her life without hurting their feelings.
"Wow did you see Nina tody"
Yes, she looked so good!
"I know right, it's so sad that she doesnt realize how pretty she is..."