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Hoe Andrew: A guy who has a girlfriend but still flirts with you for years.

Weird Andrew: The one who loves sloths and minecraft.

Passive Andrew: Is part of the group but honestly does not care at all.

Cute Andrew: The one that does not even know you exist.

Girl 1: He needs to stop being such an Andrew.
Girl 2: Which type?

by YannyBemaurel September 23, 2019


he might be the coolest person you ever know , but there is way cooler people in the world. Jk He’s pretty cool <3

andrew is sorta of a swag person.

by mrswaggy3000 November 12, 2021


Andrews are amazing guys. Very loud and energetic in public, these guys are almost always huge teddy bears once you get to know them. I have never not known an Andrew to not love hugs. Andrews can be very random. Sometimes they are very "manly" and love sports, fast cars, etc. Other times, Andrews will love to sit down and just cuddle. Almost every Andrew loves music in one way or another, most likely singing along to their favorite music, or making/playing music in a band or in school. Every Andrew plays an instrument. Andrews can also be very nerdy, and constantly obsessed with comic books, video games, and movies. All Andrews are also incredibly funny and quick-witted. They almost always have a joke or pun waiting to be used, even if its terrible. If you are ever lucky enough to date an Andrew, be prepared. They are very physical, and will almost immediately start with the constant hugging and cuddling. However, Andrews are normally gentlemen, with great manners. Some excellent ideas for a date with an Andrew is simply to stay in. Cuddle up and watch movies. Disney especially. Most Andrews struggle with self-doubt and occasionally depression. Be prepared to listen if they really need to vent. Also, try and give them enough attention, as their self-doubt can make them assume you dont care (which is never the case, hopefully). Overall, Andrews are incredibly kind, caring, funny, adorable guys, and you should consider yourself lucky to know one.

Girl 1: Hey, I heard you and Andrew started dating?

Girl 2: Yeah! He's a huge sweetheart. He's so considerate and funny and porky. He's just perfect!

Girl 1: Good for you! I need an Andrew in my life...

by SaucySomebody October 26, 2019


Andrew is a guy who is the best person on earth, he is a god at video games and he's just plain cool. He's probably the dopest person you ever met. if you see him, you need to give him props. Tell him that he's dope.

Andrew is a god

by Drewdown13 April 21, 2020


The nigga with the biggest dick at the party.

Man I wish I was Andrew. I’d let him fuck me!

by Juliiii_ November 22, 2021


Some kid thats cool to talk to

him: Hey

Me; Anus

Andrew Be like


by MrCockAnBalls March 1, 2021


A disease contracted to those who have sex with Andrew. Common side effects are: psychosis, prolonged attachment and also your booty gets bigger somehow. Possibly leads to CCD (Cock craving disorder)

Damn girl you're pretty psycho, do you have andrewitis?

by Dr.Ahi October 24, 2018