Not of reasonable means; unorthodox; inebriated; not sober; also, irritated or angry.
The dayshifts' hand's showed up "Bent" this morning. The Boss was not pleased. --(a bit bent)
No longer being in one’s original state; ie under the influence of alcohol, drugs, crossed, or simply just out of it
Person 1: she was so bent
Person 2: what was she on?
Person 1: she might’ve been crossed or honestly just sleep deprived
a derogatory term used in britain to describe gay people
a - did you see corey today?
b - yeah he’s proper bent
This when something that is meant to be straight is at an angle
Viveek is also a word that can be use to replace the word bent
Ricer viv has a bent dick
Peter- Yo where is McDonalds?
Viveek- (Thrusts pelvis forward) Oh it’s just round the corner
Peter- (looks down) Thanks! (Cock slap)
Used to describe something or someone who is bad, undesirable, or of poor quality
That movie was so bent
Why you acting so bent today