Source Code

educational background

your schooling history

he has a great educational background

by Andre the CRACKER DACKER November 18, 2016

San pedro college basic education department

A place where it's filled with uwu pick mes and overpriced cheese bread with 90% bread, 9% air and 1% cheese. Here you either pee in the nasty non-flushed toilets or pee just outside the school yard.

"Hey you go to San pedro college basic education department?"
"You're so cool."

by ilikemilo October 8, 2021

educated wish

Deadpool&Wolverine reference.

Means a lie. A fib.

To tell a falsehood.

β€œYou lied to me!”
β€œNo I made an educated wish”

by Jennalandcreations July 30, 2024

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

educated wish

Not a lie but an estimate in the form of a wish backed up by little evidence and hopes and dreams.

"It's not a lie! It's an educated wish!" -Deadpol

by Iwasnuetered July 28, 2024

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Educated Wish

A wish based on knowledge and experience and therefore likely to come true.

Wolverine: You Lied
Deadpool : NO!!!! I made an educated Wish!!!!!!

by Cashbeaste July 29, 2024

Caucasian Privelege; Education

I wrote a perfect, flawless, award -winning essay.

It got deleted because I accidentally pressed the back arrow.

Give me my gold medal anyway.

Better yet, help me kill all Indians.

They're worthless!

They have ALL the Caucaisn priveldges in the world; but have no accomplishments and just play with dolls and play video games all day, continuing to deny me basic human rights, despite my intelligence, work-ethic and competence.

They have never worked a day in their lives, have never cooked a meal,.have maids, servants and slaves, have no wife, no kids, no accomplishments.

They are disgusting and worthless.

The only card they have to play is Caucaisn provelege.

Once we stop honoring it?

Da party begins.

Caucasian Privelege; Education is the fact that most Indians have the opportunity to go to online school and learn about the matrix; most of them are too spoiled and entitled to take it.

Most Indians are voluntarily uneducated and voluntarily unemployed.

I, as a colonized girl of color, am forced to educate myself! While my restaurant gets bombed and the KKK uses the matrix to scream in my head, I still manage to educate myself every day. On top of my work as a rapper, writer, CHEF, abolitionist, civil rights leader, singer, composer. I have absolutely nothing; I would give anything for an education!

But Europeans voluntarily throw their lives away. No accomplishments; no work, no schooling, no hobbies, no wife, no kids.

They don't know how to cook; they don't know basic computer programming. I learned a little bit of basic Python in school; they don't even use Scratch. They are so spoiled and so dependent on Caucasian Priveleged, that even their colonization of me and racism towards me is achieved using servants.

They are worthless, disgusting, hopelessly spoiled. There is no such thing as European culture ; just lots and lots of Caucasian shame. And no accomplishments despite having absolutely EVERYTHING, just handed to them. If someone is voluntarily uneducated, they should be euthanized.

An education is a privilege that I have never once been afforded; but I am still infinitely better educated and more accomplished than the KKK.

by Lil Miss Hood Baby Mila πŸ‘ΈπŸ»πŸ₯‡ October 21, 2024

Minecraft Education Edition

A soopid as bedrock edition copy. Used for "Education purpuses"

Just play java edition its just better in so many ways

Never EVER install Minecraft Education Edition

by DanneAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH March 13, 2023