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Spicy Dragons

Spicy Dragons is a group of friends with a cool friendship name such as the Fab Four which are amazing and each have different personalities.

Let's use a group of four:

One should be either cool or RAWRALICIOUS
One should be described as a cinnamon roll when really they are the opposite.
One should say mew and woof a lot
One should be normal but because their friends aren't they don't seem like it either

Four is common but with Five one should be called weird names

"Oh wow look at those amazing Spicy Dragons"

"I wish I was in with the Spicy Dragons!!"

by Jetwing February 23, 2019

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Spicy Heater

The use of gasses, specifically those from the rectum to warm up a car on a cold night. The effect leaves a burning sensation in the nostrils and is in other words, "spicy".

Hommes? You just turned on the spicy heater. Man that shit smeels like Aunt Ruth's turkey.

by Poppy Steps December 1, 2006

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Spicy Penis

A penis that tastes spicy, can also be seasoned with various spices.

Damn! That girl really liked my spicy penis!

by Prendy March 5, 2010

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Spicy McJenkins

When you put a secret dab of hot sauce on your dick and then catch head from an unsuspecting victim.

i got a spicy mcjenkins last night and that bitch drank all my milk

by chip jr. May 14, 2006

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spicy hole

The hot burning feeling your butt hole gets after you have a serious case of diarrhea. The acids mixed in the stool give the anus whole a spicy sensation like a red hot pepper was stuck in ya hole...

Man I had the worst case of spicy hole last night. I had to put to Ice Cubes on my anus hole to relief the plan

by DMH79 June 23, 2005

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spicy memes

Spicy memes that are funny but are only seen once briefly, contrary to a saucy meme which is reoccurring. but spicy memes can come from saucy memes and vise versa.

Oh golly gee those sure were some spicy memes u showed me.

by just.a.memer November 14, 2016

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Sweet & Spicy

Someone who can simultaneously be crazy fucking hot and crazy fucking cute at the same time

Me: Hey Jess, you’re a real piece of sweet & spicy ya know

Jess: You know it babe ;^)

by FilipinoFuckboi July 24, 2018

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