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stanky brew

When you brew some coffee. Then take a large dump in whitey tighties and then pour the coffee over the whitey tighties with the shit still in it, and use it a strainer. The result is a half and half brew of stanky shit brew, and coffee. This is a stanky brew. This is well known for being consumed within the lower 22 states of the U.S. Typically the stanky brew adds more of a jolt to the persons energy level.

Yo, I had some stanky brew this morning that my buddy made and it was amazing. I feel like a million stanky brews!!

by xtremenik February 27, 2018

Permanent Stanky Leg

Permanent Stanky Leg (Hip dysplasia) is an abnormality of the hip joint where the socket portion does not fully cover the ball portion, resulting in an increased risk for joint dislocation.1 Hip dysplasia may occur at birth or develop in early life.1 Regardless, it does not typically produce symptoms in babies less than a year old.

My baby has the Permanent Stanky Leg..

by BigStankDickDad February 25, 2021

stanky fishy

mainly used to describe an odor coming from a woman's vagina

"yo her pussy smell like stanky fishy"

by gassed247 April 17, 2023

Stanky fishy

The definition of stanky fishy is povilas

Kakemake: damn youre povilas
Kazimieras: oh shit really?
Kakemake: yeah you ve like really stanky fishy
Kazimieras: shit imma take a shower
Kakemake:yeah go take a shower if you dont want to be povilas

by Emmapro October 21, 2019

Stanky Legg Addict

A Stanky Legg Addct is someone who is addicted to the drug Stanky Legg or SL. Similar to Heroin addiction, Stanky Legg addiction is when one can not resist injecting syringes full of Stanky into their legg. The appeal to Stanky Legg is the incontrollable Stank moves your legg pulls off while high. The preperation of Stanky Legg is identical to that of Heroin, the two drugs share many thing in common, the difference, Stank. One who is addicted to Stanky Legg can recover via weekly SLA meeting at your local run down basketball court.

"Bro Dominic got so high on SL yesterday his leggs were grooving for hours. He is a total Stanky Legg Addict"

by DolphinWalrus September 22, 2020

lanky stanky

somebody with lanky arms and legs (maybe even a bit stanky smelly, perhaps even a little dancing.)

you can also reverse it and say stanky lanky (only for seasoned stankers and lankers)

you lanky stanky


by lanky stanky guy June 8, 2021

stanky richard

The aftermath of getting your ass eaten out by a black man

Just the other day Tyrone gave me a stanky Richard

by Zenaida goldsmith March 30, 2017