Best Legit is when your minecraft username goes under "Evantii".
Nerd: Are you best legit?
N word: No, I'm not evantii.
The term "legit skill issue" is used in the gaming world where 2 person when fighting and any one of them is not able to kill the other inspite of the fact that that player is playing the game for a long time is know as legit skill issue.
One player can't kill his opponent with shotgun is legit skill issue
One's ability to dominate your opponent in a skill based ranked multiplayer game, yet both the players started around same time since the release of the game.
I killed that sniper, legit skill issue!
If your BF is a legit reseller you automatically become legit even though you have no refs on VBG
She legit by association, she Phil's gurl.
A big lass that is overweight but still shagable
"thats a big lass over there at the bar mate, I'd still give her one though she's a fat legit"
1- a very fat mammal
2- when somebody is always right has good ligitality
1- Man your dog is Legitality!!
2- Dude, That girl has great Ligitality!
What you say in response to someone who is obviously trying to do you dirty
Person 1: Here try this thing that is totally not gonna screw you over
Person 2: Seems legit