Typically used in banter, a soggy pigeon is a person who doesn't deserve your time, but you won't say it to their face because your afraid of socialising.
"Oh my god, will you ever feck off, soggy pigeon."
Doctor Pigeons, also known as Mr Hippo, is a professional animal which focus on eating humans especially Marc.
Doctor Pigeons is hunting for Marc again!
A disgusting person who does not groom themselves well.
“You disgusting grease pigeon!”
A way of describing someone who's fake or just a cunt.
"I heard that Jim putting the smack on your hoe".
"He's a right pigeon in a teapot, he has'nt a chance".
A mixed drink served at social gatherings made with vodka, coffee liquor, Irish cream and topped off with Red Bull - left standing for several minutes - which curdles the cream into a nice chunky froth. Resembles the delicate nourishing manna regurgitated by mother pigeons into the mouths of their fledgling young. It gives you wings - pigeon wings.
Cam (*while pouring a glass)*: “Birds of a feather - “
Everyone: “-flock together! Let’s all get another round of pigeon milk!”
An ignorant uncultured person who hovers and annoys everybody with his or her own stupidity. As pigeons usually strut around and poop from above, it is easy to see why someone who gives others crap is called a dunce pigeon. Such a type of person is very much self infantilizing and immature. Dunce pigeons are often known to bother others by talking about unwanted irrelevant subjects or carelessly breaking objects.
Someone please fire that dunce pigeon!
1. a person who is gullible enough to fall for a scam
2. a rare political tactic in which a proposed bill is divided into multiple bills
That guy is the biggest clay pigeon i've ever known.
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