Best block in block gaem (aka minecraft)
"replace it with sea lanterns"
The best swimmer ever that has amazing artistic abilities. She is very smart and calm.
Boy 1: I think I love her, she’s such a Sea Foxy
Girl 1: it’s never gonna happen
Sea mechanic is the relationship between Luna and Raven from the tv show "the 100". Luna and Raven never had a romantic scene on the show but there are people who ship them.
"Do you ship sea mechanic?"
"Yes! They are really cute together and I think they would be a great couple!"
A person, typically a man, who has spent most of his life on a boat and therefore is experienced when it comes to sailing.
1.Words used to describe a vessel which appears to hop on water and is quick off the start.2. Usually associated with something small or a short distance. Also see C-hair. 3.A small blue boat registered in New Buffalo, Michigan.
The boat planed quickly and was like a rabbit gone nautical, like a Sea Hare.
People who were born normal af 💅🏽 And look normal af. Boss shit; got money, just plain beautiful. The upgrade version of a sea roach 🪳 people such as : Summer, Arijha, Shelsea, and Nevaeh. The founders 🥰
Person #1- Damn I wish I was a god damn sea star they living😭
Person #2- I hate being a sea roach now they gone spray me 😭
Can’t be found in warren ohio🤷🏽 ♀️