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Yuki Egg

Yuki Egg also a slang name for spunk, sperm etc etc
A term used in the place Blackpool

I met a girl last night! Smashed her to bits and gave her some of me yuki Egg.
Omg I just yuki egged all over her face!
"Yuki Egg laaaa"

by Pecs_and_that September 3, 2013

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My eggs

Similar to My Bones!, My Eggs can be said in a variety of situations to convey anger, dissapointment, surprise, disgust, etc. as well as actually something to do with eggs

"My eggs!" - after finding your family laughing at your expense

"My eggs!" - after falling over

"My eggs!" - after dropping some eggs which you have recently purchased

by Jankulovski March 23, 2009

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Lay an egg

Another word for taking a shit

Aye bro Iโ€™m gonna go lay an egg

by FamousJew August 21, 2020

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Egg McMuffin

The superior. The best of its kind, not to be outdone by any other example of a similar thing, but isn't the actual thing by which the example is set.

That was the Egg McMuffin of weed, my man!

by UnevenHaircut January 11, 2012

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nest egg

a cache of money saved for a specific purpose (such as an emergency)

They went for the nest egg but forgot where it was.

by The Return of Light Joker October 7, 2009

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porn & eggs

A Burning Man theme camp that is inclusive to everyone, except single males.

We all went to a party at Porn & Eggs last night, but when Charlie came later, he wasn't allowed in because of the 'no single males' rule. Too bad, because Charlie is an incredibly cool person who brought our camp together in the most selfless way. And because he didn't have a chick on his arm - Porn & Eggs told him to F off.

Now that's what I call 'radical inclusivity'. Yay Burning Man.

by spikenmike September 4, 2009

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Cracking egg

When a trans person realizes that they are trans.

Person 1: You know, after looking at Egg_IRL, I realized I'm trans.
Person 2: So you have a cracking egg?

by a guy named Hashbrown March 27, 2022

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