When you’re walking with your friends and the fart of the person ahead of you blows into your face.
Alex: Eww, Dude, that was a nasty downstream catch!
Steve: Sorry bro...
A catch phrase but only one word.
Justin: Fun
Me: Don’t steal my catch word
You like drama and want to argue or you want to be entertained by instigating another person.
John: BLM is not a justified movement
Tommy: That's cap
John: nah youre just Catching Tickets
Terry told me I have a lumpy butt and nobody will love me but I think she is just Catching Tickets.
To obtain a note passed through the Jail or Prison by one inmate to another.
He will "catch a kite" tonight, and when he does, we better get his commissary money, or he can catch this shank.
The Code Name For : Jerking Off
"Be Right Back Catching A Squirrel"
Same as "Getting some" sometimes in a treehouse or any other place. OM
Me: Hey Trev, where is York?
Trev: he's at a girls house, probably catching booty.