Source Code

error message

From the minor to the global, a warning that something is not right.

She began to interpret the pandemic as a massive error message, a sign to humanity that it had lost its way, and would now be forced to re-order and reconsider.

by Monkey's Dad April 16, 2020

Stoner error

Making an error in judgment while high.

Player 1 puts down a so-so Scrabble word, leaving the Triple Word Score wide open for Player 2, who then uses it to score an obscene amount of points.
Player 1: "Dammit! Stoner error."

by stonererror July 5, 2011

Clusterfuck error

"Clusterfuck error" is a term to use when a piece of technology is having serious errors or broken in some way

Harry: "Hey could you fix my laptop? it has some Clusterfuck errors"
IT guy: "I'm sorry, it has some what?"

by Ralseiboi September 28, 2020

Error 405

1. A fuckup so bad it would already be considered 404, but one step higher.
2. (technical) HTTP Status 405: Method Not Allowed, and its like asking the newspaper boy to make a weather buoy at a specific coordinate. He probably wont do it because, well, hes not meant to!

1. My brain just had an Error 405 at the exam today

by Preinstallable April 19, 2020

pilot error

A pilot error is a pregnant flight attendant

Why is Susan off work?

Jessica: She’s off work due to pilot error.

by Gert Barr April 6, 2021

User Error

When you are incapable of doing anything properly because you continuously make obvious mistakes that are not obvious to yourself. Can often be fatal. Commonly associated with people who's name begin with the letter P.

"Human" 1: "It was a misinput, misinput, YOU CALM THE FUCK DOWN IT WAS A MISINPUT"
Human 2: "Sounds like a bad case of User Error, you have 24 hours left to live"

by AlekEagle May 19, 2022

Error Krail

Error Krail is a kind, slightly cocky husband. He tends to care a lot about people close to him, yet never shows it. He has quite a bit going through his head all the time, but keeps silent about it, for he doesn’t wish to worry anyone. He’s kind, understandable, thoughtful, funny, and would do anything for the ones he cares so much about.

Me: Sir! Error Krail! You have been such a nice gentleman, how do you do it?
Him: Well, a simple smile can do such wonders for anyone having a rough day.

by Shiri Krail October 24, 2020