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Rage Share

With a particular emphasis trending social media--the forwarding, re-Tweeting, and otherwise propagating in-box material to as many contacts as possible over the shortest period of time.

Now THAT'S a fuckin' Tweet-Storm ... IMPOTUS Rage Share Record: 105 in 3 hrs. Nuthin' better to do, I guess.

by YAWA May 11, 2020

rage fault

Anger to the point where the sufferer can't remember basic things like his name and how to form intelligible words. The physical manifestation of the rule, "Anger and information don't mix."

Guy: Finally, after 16,384 straight hours of work, the world's largest house of cards is finally complete! Now to call Guinness...
Guy: Kug... fmmmb... grung... flmbml... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!
Other Guy: Oh dear. It would seem that Guy just had a rage fault.

by RequiemCube June 10, 2009

filipino rage

Filipino Rage is a anger that can only be summoned from those of filipino decent. The rage may result with yelling in a demonic-like voice, and the person gaining incredible strength.

Guy1: Did you just see that kid rip that desk in two?
Guy2: Yeah, he's got some mad filipino rage.

"Power level over 9000!!!"

by TheRevolution19 January 22, 2007

245๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

all the rage

something extremely popular

Fanny packs were all the rage in the 90s.

by Light Joker April 18, 2005

80๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baby Rage

An emotion that occurs when one is extremely angry, but powerless to do anything about whatever is making them angry.

"Did you see that guy at the bar last night? He wanted to hit that dude so bad, but he was just full of baby rage so he couldn't."

by thesecondcontrecoup June 16, 2009

138๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rage that most commonly occurs during the act of hanging out, driving, clubbing, or any other activity that involves two or more people. Gabe-rage is typically an overreaction to a normal situation but is enhanced with the use of alcohol and is most often seen at clubs, usually when in competition with other males in gaining female attention.

(Important: Please keep in mind to not confuse this with gay-rage, which is rage between two guys who can't get girls and then takes it out on each other.)

That guy who was walking with his girlfriend accidentally bumped into some drunk guy and he became steaming mad! You could see the gabe-rage in his face when he slammed down his empty glass and yelled, "you fucking faggot!"

by vlow1210 June 10, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

kimchi rage

A mental state typically exhibited by a Korean who is extremely displeased. This condition is signified by gratuitous violence accompanied by psychotic shrieking. Surrounding people and/or objects are usually left injured or damaged. Implied in the term is that such behavior results from ingesting too much kimchi.

"Dude, I can't believe you cheated on your Korean girlfriend. You must not know about kimchi rage."

"What's kimchi rage? ...Holy shit, is that my car on fire?!"

by enGinEEringpinK March 8, 2011

28๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž