Reverse Speak is a method of physiological propaganda. (see Concern Trolling) Whereas perpetrators present purposeful misinformation to their target group while feigning allegiance (Usually by presenting said information inside in-group zones or by using their dialect) While usually being targeted at newer or casual members, this can cause confusion, misdirection and strife among the whole group. When done in large enough numbers can cause a domino effect when users take the misinformation as the status quo, and begin to echo said information among other users. If done for a long enough time (new users will mould themselves to new information) will cause a maturity plateau. Where legitimate users who believe said misinformation will out-populate or out-control the original users belief systems. Reverse speak is when these newer users unknowingly or inadvertently echo the previously stated misinformation. Believing it to be speech of the group.
Pro Bernie-Sanders message board
Perpetrator:"Backing Hillary Clinton is the only way to win the elections against Trump, he is an evil man who cannot be allowed to win"
member:"Bernie Sanders is great and all, but Hillary is our only chance at winning"
LATER member Status Quo:"Hillary Clinton 2016, we can try to get Bernie in office next time"
EVEN LATER member Status Quo:"Bernie is actively taking away votes from Hillary. Stop talking about him or you will be banned.
Original member not status quo anymore:"This was originally a Bernie Sanders board, how did it come to this"
member status quo :"You are a shill from the Trump team. Stop trying to destroy our message board!
Original member not status quo anymore:"You are reverse speaking".
An American expression meaning, "The one that you would like."; The one that piques your interest.
Used when offering someone items in which to pick one.
"Would you like some Warheads? Pick the flavor that speaks to you."
when somebody uses big words to over complicate what they are saying and make themselves sound smarter. Common in intelligent and stupid people alike.
Robert (Normal Speak): My job is getting pretty tough bro.
Robert (IQ Speak): My occupation is progressing into a most challenging state, my keen fellow
kkr onverstaanbaar
Tessa: "mmhmmmhmhm"
"dat was kkr onverstaanbaar"
"ja dat is tessa speak"
(1.) Often said in dramatic moments where the situation was never planned to happen but (2.) can be said in more casual moments
1. Flight 498 has had an engine fire and is heading to the nearest airport to make an emergency landing as we speak
2. I can see the delivery driver is en-route as we speak so you should have your food within the next 5 minutes
The rabbling on of any non scientific claim or topic having to do with drug use or addiction by a former addict. Makes no difference if the former addict
has credentials as a drug counselor or not, has a bachelors or masters dgree. He or she steadfastly holds tight to unscientific or superstitious claims regarding substance abuse or recovery that have been debunked or found to have no real validity.
A counselor who's only has experience being a junky i.e his or her personal experience with addiction speaks on their "junky speak" claims that other non narcotic drugs should not be used to break chemical addiction, because those drugs are "evil" and "stupid". This is a clear example of "junky speak."
To speak with a mouth full of Gummy Bears.
I though she said, "Rumful" but it was gummy speak for beautiful.