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shank list

a list containing people/things you hate that if you were given the opportunity,you would like to stab(shank) them

I hate Billy!I'm adding him to my shank list!

by Amazing person and all that ja March 7, 2011

shank man

A fictional being found in the woods surrounding Newquay Holiday Park. He wears a bloody shirt and wears joggers 3 sizes too big. Also goes by the nickname if Shanky

Oh no! Ive just seen SHANK MAN in the woods!

by TheGuy736291 November 1, 2018

Ice shank

An amazing instrument made to poke a person until he stops moving. It has the perk to be left with the person you stabbed and person is then kind enough to melt the weapon with his own blood and gore, as to not incriminate you.

The fucker melted my ice shank! Now I can't use it again.

by Awesomesauce Productions February 26, 2015

shank the goat

an enthusiastic interjection to celebrate a challenging accomplishment.

brenda: i just beat Halo on Legendary!
sam: shank the goat!

by webster g March 25, 2010


The internet equivalent of being shanked.

I e-shanked Bob because he was being a jerk.

by eshankhank August 30, 2009

Mouth Shanked

The effect of biting into a tortilla chip and having the vertex/vertices pierce the lining of the soft tissue/gums in the mouth.

Willy bit into the tortilla chip and it mouth shanked him in the gum.

by BoomDaddy2173 December 30, 2019


When a boy/girl gets lonely. Two things involved, Shower and Wank. Alone they are harmless, but when combined the most godly explosion of the nether-regions takes place - The Shank!!

brb, im going for a shank
holy crap that shank has drained me

by TheShankGuyLucas March 14, 2010

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