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Tummy taco

Noun: act of masterbating in ones tummy as if the rolls were a delicious Mexican treat.

Dale's girlfriend wouldn't put out on Tuesday, therefore he enjoyed a satisfying tummy taco

by huhnow11 December 3, 2016

Bumble tummy

Bob jones..

Bob jones is a bumble tummy

by Lurkerjosh June 16, 2022

Taco Bell Tummy

When you have a tummy ache so bad that you're going to explode a toilet

Usually takes place after eating taco bell

John: "Bro I have taco bell tummy so bad right now"
Joe: "Alright man bathroom is down the hall"

by Mosue April 25, 2023

travel tummy

Travel Tummy is a collection of digestive ailments that occur when you're on the road for any length of time. Travel Tummy includes stomach aches, nausea, indigestion, constipation and diarrhea and it has a variety of causes.

Some situation that cause Travel Tummy include: too much eating out at fast food places (and the realization that you've eaten fries three times in the last two days); eating too much ethnic food (like a Japanese dish that turns out to pretty much just be noodles and sautéed onions); anxiety about pooping in a motel bathroom that has thin walls and no fan; spending too much time in a car or other enclosed space with other people and not being able to pass gas when you need to; having your mother-in-law always offer to use a public restroom with you when you need to go, choosing the stall next to yours and then talking to you the entire time you try to poop.

Cures for Travel Tummy include ordering more salads, drinking less soda and coffee, wandering off by yourself at least once a day, and in extreme situations, returning home.

I had the worst travel tummy after eating Taco Bell and then driving 6 hours to my aunt's house. I can't believe her only bathroom opens directly off of the living room and doesn't have a fan or window.

by Annie Mork February 25, 2014

The tummy thing

When a girl refers to the tummy thing or said “my stomach did the thing” it means the feelings of butterflies or the light sensation you get in your stomach that is experienced when you’re touched or engaging in sensual activities.

Boyfriend: * says smths their girlfriend finds attractive or intimate *

Girlfriend: “my tummy did the thing”
Boyfriend: “what thing?”

Girlfriend: “the tummy thing.”

by Mulatta November 16, 2024

Tummy Nuggets

Taking a shit

Mah boi Eddie dropped a load of tummy nuggets on my drive way !

by OLUPNYA December 30, 2019

Runny Tummy

A condition where you can't stop shitting yourself.

Symptoms include:

•Shitting your drawers
•Shitting out brown or green water
• A burning asshole
• Stomach Pain


•Taco Bell
•Undercooked takeout


•Drinking water to keep hydrated
BRAT Diet: Bread, Rice, Apples and toast as they are bland foods which wont aggravate the digestive system.
•Not eating Taco Bell

I ate a Taco Bell 3 hours ago and I now have a runny tummy as a result.

by Eddie the Head October 27, 2022