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what the hell are you doing here

This isn't even a word..

what the hell are you doing here this isn't even a wor

by MyMomIsNotYourMom October 12, 2017

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

What do our parents want?

Generally, used as a rhetorical question in colloquial parlance. However, some philosophers have argued that because one can never be certain of what our parents want, the question becomes unanswerable. In this sense, the expression is often considered a paradox since, as some philosophers claim, all questions have at least one answer.

1: a rhetorical question used to convey puzzlement or confusion.
2: a rhetorical question used to express one's belief that the question being asked or the subject matter being contemplated is hopelessly unanswerable.
3: ("Randian" usage) a rhetorical question - used similarly to the query "Who is John Galt?" found throughout "Atlas Shrugged" - meant to be interpreted as meaning: why ask questions that have no answers or where the answers are not readily obtainable?

1: Engineer 1: "Why won't the doohicky fit into the whatchamacallit?" Engineer 2: "What do our parents want?"

2: Poli-Sci Major: "Why did we invade Iraq anyway?" Hippie Roommate: "What do our parents want?"

3: "What do our parents want?" The light was ebbing, and Eddie Willers could not distinguish the bum's face. The bum had said it simply, without expression. But from the sunset far at the end of the street, yellow glints caught his eyes, and the eyes looked straight at Eddie Willers, mocking and still - as if the question had been addressed to the causeless uneasiness within him. -- Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand

by William Santiago July 26, 2007

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What do we have for 'em, Johnny?

A sarcastic comment that is used when someone figures out something really obvious. An imitation of a game show host announcing that someone has given the correct answer and has won a prize that his assistant (Johnny) will specify on cue. Often preceded by "Ding ding!"

Boss: "OK everyone, Brenda Smith is going to be out on Thursday so we need someone to volunteer to fill her time slot."
Mike Hawk: "I'm available that day. I can do it."
Boss: "All righty then. I'm going to go ahead and stick Mike Hawk in her slot."
Steve: "That's what she said! Or...um...actually I mean that's what HE said!"
(everyone laughs except Jim)
Jim: "I don't get it..."
(20 seconds go by)
Jim: "Oh haha, now I get it...Mike Hawk sounds like 'my cock!' It's sexual innuendo. That's a good one."
Steve: "DING DING! What do we have for 'em, Johnny?"

by Nicholas D February 20, 2009

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what do you think this is bush week?

an old school slang word used to disapprove the actions or suggentions or another. the dates of the actually week is the 28th of january - 4th of february.

"can i go to the city with jack daniels?"
"absoulutley not, what do you think this is bush week?

by hayden595 February 28, 2008

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what do you think about Turkey?

What do you think about Turkey and Turkish people?

what do you think about Turkey?

by vibeheaven October 28, 2021

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what do you have your elbows in?

It's a metaphor for asking what someone is up to or doing

Friend: i'm bored and i have nothing to do right now. What do you have your elbows in?

by cinnamonxsticks November 16, 2011

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It matters not, what you've done, but what you do with what you've done... for others

A quote from Noah Centineo at the People’s Choice Awards 2019. No one quite understands what he meant, and it has become a joke.

β€œIt matters not, what you've done, but what you do with what you've done... for othersβ€œ-Noah Centineo 2019

by nopebye November 14, 2019

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