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Bennett wong

Bennet wong is so hot I keep nutting to him everyday if Bennet is reading this I'm dead but then I also love denzel

Bennett wong is so hot
-sussy man from 6c

by GreenBean697 November 5, 2022

bennett wong

BENNETT IS SO HOT Bennett is a hot man from my class and I have a crush on him when bennett is reading this I'm probably shitting but bennett I love u

Omg guys look it's bennett wong ! He's so hot
-sussy man from 6c

by GreenBean697 November 5, 2022

Wong Lik Hak

A mother fucking man. Man who takes all of your money but doesn’t let you to turn on the air-con

Wong Lik Hak = mother fucking man

by skhbbss November 22, 2021

Wong Lik Hak

A mother fucking man. Man who takes all of your money but doesn’t let you to turn on the air-con

Wong Lik Hak = mother fucking man

by skhbbss November 22, 2021

El Wong

El Wong refers to a spanish-speaking person bearing "Wong" as part of their name. This combination completely disrupts any other name the recipient had and makes them only be able to be called "El Wong" from the moment they are on a spanish-speaking country.

For added effect, one might call them "El pinchi Wong"

This alias also makes the person 80% cooler

Spanish guy: Wey apoco ese es el wong?
Guy: "El wong?" What do you mean?
Spanish guy: You don't know him? You haven't met al pinchi wong?
Guy: I guess not
Spanish guy: He's a chill lad, c'mon i'll introduce you to him

by Bilingualistic May 5, 2023

Willis Wong

A psetson that no knoews how to grammer and splerll. very medisocre withn math.

Urs such a willis wong man

by Willis Wong January 26, 2022

Wong Chin Min

a very beautiful, cute, pretty little girl. AKA the most amazing, funny girl. Love to have argument. Have limited friend. Can be her friend is very lucky. Have many boys like her. Her boyfriend birthday is on October. Gonna get married soon.

Wong Chin Min is beautiful.

by amenricana November 22, 2021