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Gabriel is a white male trying to act like a black male.he flirts with girls about tacos and love to tell people he gets hit by his dad.he is one of the most annoying people in the world he loves to be an idiot.the short form of Gabriel is taco walla which means he is good for nothing but making tacos

look at this ugly stupid Gabriel

by efgsrgzdfgsdgset23657657 October 10, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


One of those awkward, basic hispanic women you see commonly in public who have long, natural curly/wavy hair and wear glasses. Gabrielles are known to only obsess over every white guy they see in public and frequently shop at their local Old Navy for fashion. In their spare time, Gabrielles binge read romantic novels, alone, discuss boring topics with fellow basic bitches whilst stuttering frequently, or hide under their bed covers while silently masturbating to mental images of their Caucasian crushes.

Non-Caucasian Friend: See that girl with the glasses over there? She's mad cute. You think I should go talk to her? She's also in my book club.

Me: (cracking up cause this dude is a part of a book club) That's a whole Gabrielle bro. You know damn well they only fuck white guys.

Non-Caucasian Friend: *Sigh* Fuck, you're right. For them, seeing a white guy alone makes them wet. That thirst is baked into their DNA. Shit, actually I remember seeing her checking out Winthrop Gigglebangin in Stats, yesterday. Good looks bro.

by PseudoPhlegmaticPerson December 2, 2019

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Gabriel is a kind, funny guy who is a bit too egotistical but that is part of who he is. If u hurt Gabriel he doesn't give; say whatever u want if u wanna fight him he'll fight back. But most of all he is a natural born ladies man so watch out girls he's gonna take you away.

Gabriel's such a good dude he respects all races and woman but still gets laid.

by ACLGabe123 February 3, 2017

3πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


is the correct definition of the American word "Fat"

Dang look at that girl over there she's so Gabriel

by Jruin' March 26, 2016

4πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A Gabrielle will attach to someone, and then find someone that is "better". She will know how to love someone, but the love will never be deep enough to last for a lifetime. She also only cares about popularity. If she finds someone that has a lot of friends, she will do all that she can to be one as well. Gabrielle always thinks that she is cooler and prettier then every single other girl on the planet, which is very self absorbing. She will never be the first one to apologize in a situation, because she will never think that it is her fault. Although she can care, and show affection...she will never stay with you for a long time because there is always someone "better" in her eyes.

"Gabrielle is ignoring me, but I did nothing wrong"
"She thinks that she is so much better then me"

by Incolble Glitherable January 6, 2013

23πŸ‘ 203πŸ‘Ž


Gabriel's are very intelligent but their spelling is crap and sometime their very weird. Usually cool and can have a short temper. Have a very intelligent vocabulary AKA a slick mouth.

You: hi Gabriel

Gabriel: how do you do

You: fuck you

Gabriel: go to hell you dip shit you hobknocker

by Don'tread November 11, 2017

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


he’s very very very cool. he is awesome, periodt. not periodt. there’s more, he is very good at things 😼 hehe πŸ™ƒ

gabriel is yes

by Yes_010101 October 30, 2020

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