Source Code

arabian goggle eyes

when you take you take your nuts and place them in a sleeping friends eyes and lay your dick down their nose to their mouth and take pictures or await for them to awake.

Damn...Jesse feel asleep lets give him a pair of Arabian Goggle eyes.

by Jay December 30, 2005

93๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Greek Eye Patch

This is when a man has his dick in a woman's mouth and then pulls up his ball sack over one of her eyes. Easier done when she is lying down and is approached from the side of her face.

For a second there, she actually thought she went blind in one eye when she got the Greek Eye Patch.

by Johnny Ock September 30, 2006

73๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

thom yorke eye

When you get 'stoned' on the 'green' usually after 'hot boxing' or striking up a 'fattyboombatty'. If you obtain the correct measurement of THC you may end up with Thom Yorke eye, i.e slightly squint.

Dude, you got Thom Yorke eye, seriously you can't go out looking like that!

Shit it got work in 30mins, look at this Thom Yorke eye....they're going to know, they're GOING TO KNOW!
"Sensi weed, guaranteed to make your eye bleed!"

"No thanks I only wanted a little Thom Yorke eye"

by dat-ting June 13, 2007

91๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

bird's eye

Another term for a fermata.

When you see a bird's eye above a note, be sure to watch the conductor.

by redhed311 August 30, 2005

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captain insano eyes

The exact moment where someone or something is so funny that you laugh your ass off enough to make your eyes swell up and you begin crying hysterically.

In the movie "The Waterboy" Adam Sandler attempts to become the new waterboy of his favorite wrestler, Captain Insano and when he reveals that he is in fact 31 years old Captain Insano and the TV presenter laugh hysterically and Bobby Boucher hangs up before they can answer.

Real Life Situation

DUDE 1: "Hey man, did you see Turd Ferguson on Celebrity Jeopardy?"
DUDE 2: "Yeah man, I had mad captain insano eyes going."

by K Balls & Grandy April 2, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

brown eye gravy

an especially bad version of diahrea in which only pure liquid is expelled from the sphinkter.

Dude i just had the worst brown eye gravy, it felt like i was peeing out of my ass!

by who me? March 7, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

roquefort rib eye

if a girl brings you back to her gaff and promises you everything but doesn't put out when you get back...next morning take a shit into a piece of tinfoil, put it into the grill, turn it on high, walk out of the house chortling at your own ingenuity.

Jonny: Did you get the ride off that slag last nite?
Buckins: No, she wouldn't put out
Jonny: What a bitch, she was acting like such a slut all nite.
Buckins: Ya, its ok though, left her with a roquefort rib eye.
Jonny: Genius.

by buckins May 7, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž