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Taco Jihad

When you declare a Holy War on someone through a taco (OR alternatively, a Holy War waged entirely through tacos).

Friend: "Charlie was a d*ck to me!"
Other friend: "Let's eviscerate a taco in his mailbox!"
Friend: "why?"
Other friend: "Taco Jihad."

by 7drizzy January 11, 2021

Turned-on Taco

A hard shelled taco. The opposite of a Turned-off Taco

Man, my turned-on taco was so crunchy but it was out so long it turned blue.

by TacoKink January 24, 2019

Taco Sweats

The act of eating so many tacos that you literally start sweating and smell like it. This smell entices the user to go out and buy even more tacos.

(Real Mexican tacos; not that Tacobell hard taco bullshit.)

I remember eating around 30 carne asada tacos, the next morning I woke up with taco sweats and got 20 more for breakfast. I didn't even bother showering I smelled great.

by Party Tony April 18, 2014

Taco Palin

Taco Palin has the best tacos in Teague Texas

Taco Palin has the best tacos one way to find out is to try them for yourself

by Taco Palin September 28, 2023

Duco Taco

Deez is a possessive descriptor or possessive pronoun. It is often used to describe certain aspect of male anatomy. Usage often implies a masculine and prideful connotation. Enunciation often further draws on the word to emphasize importance. When visual cues are available, look for the motion of a male grabbing the groin area a reference to what is mine. In some instances is used in conjunction with the word nuts to form an inflammatory response to a rhetorical question or simply as a greeting. The implication is that if the recipient does not approve of the actions or behavior of the speaker, they are invited to consume the product of said male anatomy through an explicit act. Look carefully for visual or audio cues and I believe you will find the meaning easy to decipher. If truly perplexed, ask the speaker in a polite and refined manner what they mean by their statement. Example: "pardon, sir (madam) could you be so kind as to further elaborate on your previous statement. I am having difficulty interpreting the precise meaning." Undoubtedly, the response is often equally polite and, if your lucky, profoundly colorful.
"you wish you had one of deez."LIGMA is part of the BOFA spectrum of conditions. LIGMA (Loose Internal Gene Mi-Asintits) is the second stage of BOFA (Biologically Offset Farkwonian Asintits).

Hey Thats Duco Taco!

by DeezBofaSugma October 18, 2022

taco belt

A taco belt is when you eat so much taco bell that you end up shitting your pants. At that point, it forms around your waste like a belt. Which is why its known as a "taco belt".

"Daniel ate so much Taco Bell that he might end up with a taco belt later."

by Evan Gutsieras October 9, 2020

Taco anticipation

When a strong desire for tacos overrides self preservation.

Her mind was consumed with taco anticipation... not seeing the curb she tripped and broke her ankle.

by Taco anticipation October 3, 2021