Lover Of Sheep
Puker Of Couches
Wiganese Muppet Of Earth
Q: Where's Rocket Ronny?
A: Did you check to see if he was passed out drunk on the curb? (wait....that's not an answer.....)
An inbred roller driver, who spends all his time counting his eleven fingers and 13 toes. Listens to hill billy rock and knocks one out to family pictures
Seen matey last week. Proper Ronny newby
When you're at work you whip your dick out to a coworker.
Tyreek pulled off the Ronnie when he showed Claire his dick at work yesterday!
A small rotund shape with slight female features. Morbidly obese emitting a sharp foul odor. Is known to start sweating profusely without any reason. Is also a cunt.
Look at Ronny eating it's second plate of spaghetti.
Sure Ronny you'll go to the gym next time.
I'd like to fuck a Ronny, said no one ever.
Stop eating all the snacks Ronny.
Bye bye Ronny....
Having a threesome in a car park
Glenn was doing a Ronnie with Betty and Sharon
When you are a gay cunt that suck all the cum out of his uncles balls sack
Wow auberon is about to pull a ronnie
She’s trustworthy and you can tell her anything. She’s pretty, nice, and super funny! she’s a chilver but we love her for it. Everyone loves her and she has too many friends to count. HI RONNI ITS DAKOTA!
peron #1: wowza who’s that hottie over there
person #2 that’s ronni sue duh
person #1 I shoulda known someone that pretty is named ronni sue