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drop conversation

Akwardly ending a conversation from a need to pee whilst not telling the other person that you need to pee

Pesron 1 - ok, well, eh I have to go catch up with a friend, bye!
Person2 (to himself) - did he just use a drop conversation on me?

by Geisbdidb17353 October 18, 2015

Stupid Conversation

When you start with a random word or topic and you keep on adding more topics till you get to about 6-50(infinite) topics and when your done with the topics you go over every topic you were talking about.

Guy 1: bro, let’s start a stupid conversation

Guy 2: what’s a stupid conversation?

Guy 1: search it up on urban dictionary.
Guy 2: *searches up* yes let’s do that!

by Mr. Pickle Man November 7, 2021

Tailpipe conversion

The street slang for a male to female transgender persons vagina. Derived from the conversion of a peice of said persons colon surgically becoming their new vagina. It’s said to become less colon scented and more vajayjay like over the span of a year.

Pee yew! Damn sweetie, were you born this way or is this a tailpipe conversion?

by Dean Gallberry March 14, 2019

Nan conversation

A monotonous, uninspiring conversation in the style typically had by two elderly women pulling granny trolleys along a cul-de-sac in Weston-Supermare on an overcast day.

I can't go on another date again, he has no personality and we just end up having "Nan conversation":

Vera: Hello there, dear. How are you today?

Nora: Oh, I'm doing alright, I suppose. Just feeling a bit tired today.

Vera: I know what you mean. I woke up with a headache this morning.

Nora: Oh no, that's not good. Have you tried taking anything for it?

Vera: Yes, I took some aspirin. It seems to be helping a bit.

Nora: That's good. I hate when I have a headache. It can really ruin your day.

Vera: Indeed it can. So, have you been up to anything interesting lately?

Nora: No, not really. Just been knitting and reading mostly. What about you?

Vera: Same here. I've been reading some romance novels lately.

Nora: Oh, I used to love those when I was younger. I don't have the patience for them anymore.

by nanna_jayne March 1, 2023

courtesy conversion

The act of expressing a number in both your own unit of measurement, and the unit of measurement used by the listener, out of courtesy.

J: It's 28°C, or 82.4°F, in my room right now, at 2:30 AM!
M: Thanks for the courtesy conversion.

by MrJelle July 22, 2017

Outcome Conversion

To crash the hopes of a hater because was hoping that you would fail at something that he was setting up for you to fail. And the opposite happened, you succeeded.

Dude was hoping that I didn't get the girl, the job and hoping that my project would fail to make me look out, too bad for him, I got a outcome conversion.

by WordsSmithSmarts April 24, 2014

2👍 1👎

broke conversation

a conversation when not much is said; akward conversations

person1:hey wats up
person2:nothing much,you?
Person1:just chillin
person2:ok...this is a broke conversation

by its.royalty April 21, 2009

5👍 1👎