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I have been using UrbanDictionary since December 2003.

I have been using UrbanDictionary since December 2003.

I have been using UrbanDictionary since December 2003.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *claps*

by confused cajun man February 4, 2021

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i don't have any plywood

I don't have any plywood

I don't have any plywood

by Kumtukey fly chimken November 27, 2018

i just have high standards

When one wouldn't let themselves fall below a certain line. What that line is depends on the person. It CAN be used as an excuse, but for many it is a way of life.

I'm an athlete, and if I want to be the best, I must reach and maintain a high standard.

I would not go out with a shallow person because I have high standards.

I will not pay to watch that movie because it is shallow and I just have high standards.

by pisang September 27, 2010

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I don't have any gum

The biggest lie in history

Kid: Do you have any gum?
You: (checks, and does actually in fact have gum) No, sorry I don't have any gum.

by namer-of-names January 7, 2012

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I don’t have any cheese

When u have no cheese

Where’s my cheese I have none
I have no cheese
I don’t have any cheese

by Ye. Nan is amazing May 10, 2020

"Its because i have "ADD" (excuse abused by many people)

A bs excuse used by many lazy or stupid people who don't feel like reading a lot of info via books, essays, emails, "confusing" long anything written or typed (known to be TLDR). It also makes communication difficult between them and wordy intelligent people they clash with. Such people bully or treat the wordy people badly and also treat them as if they are from a lower caste.

They tend to be popular, because of the number of lazy people who also use their mentality as an excuse not to write or talk a lot like wordy/honest/open people. They typically get confused/disturbed/annoyed by anyone who talks/writes a lot. They call the wordy people crazy and get them into trouble/refuse them services.

Because of the "ADD" epidemic more people are lazy when it comes to reading and comprehension of large amounts of info. Because of the social difficulties, the smarties tend to be outcasts, some pretend to be dumb and quiet just to fit in and even secretive to the point of getting away with crimes like the lazies, while the wordy get into more trouble because of the trend of laziness and less talking/writing being considered sane and normal.

The dumbing down of education in the US may be the reason why so many people talk and write less than their wordy counterparts. The wordy are even diagnosed or undiagnosed with Asperger's, which is a label created by less wordy lazy less intelligent people.

"(long typed email or other communication)." -Smart/Wordy person A

"What? I am confused by what you said."/"TLDR" or (Ignore)/(incriminate/lockup smart person), etc. -Stupid/Lazy/"ADD" person B

"Why/what?" -Person A

"Its because i have "ADD" (excuse abused by many people)". -Person B

by Anonymousfemale April 11, 2014

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That is the gayest thing I have ever seen since gay went to gay town

An expression meaning: Wow, that is really, really gay.

Said by Master Shake.

Master Shake: That is the gayest thing I have ever seen since gay went to gay town!

by Artifishalfish November 3, 2006

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