He's a complete and utter square. The state of being a "dick". He's a fucking piece of cunt.
Dude your being a fucking Jon Owen.
The act of getting in a fight with your girlfriend and when she wants make-up sex, you deny her by keeping the status quo.
Ben: Dude, Chase and I got in a huge fucken fight and i totally gave her the jon voight. She was pissed.
Farmer Jon was created by the Jon Loves Apple Pie Group Chat. They address Jon Guelas as Farmer Jon
Farmer Jon is picking some fresh apples to make applie pie for the og apple pie lovers
If you forget the word to something you need. Its a replacemeant for the word thing. It can be confusing because sometimes people dont know what your talking about. So you have to point to it.
Carrie: Yo, can you hand me that jon peace?
Harry: Do you mean the remote or the popcorn??
Southwest Louisiana slang for psychedelics (marijuana, magic mushrooms, etc).
“Hey bro you wanna get those silly jons?”
“She been tweakin’ off them silly jons all night!”
“Aye dawg got any silly jons?”
A Jon Blough is based off of the original "BLOUGH", the act of fluffing up a penis to 45% erect and then slapping someone on the face while they are unconscious. A Jon Blough on the otherhand is the act of taking a shit on the unconscious person's face followed by a massage using a 79.147% erect penis to spread around the "chocolate".
Because my boyfriend gave me a Jon Blough, i completely fucked him up......
When you stick a curling iron up someone's ass and turn it on. It's often used as a threat.
"Shut up before I give you a hot jon."