Morality is the informal system by which the interaction of moral agents is judged, just like JAY lives by it.
Samantha should accept the fact that Jay is the most morally correct person she ever met and morality is defined by his name
Without evil, there could be no good, so it must be good to be evil sometimes.
Even the crustiest human beings are part of our world's morality.
Already said this but you can get to it by way of empathy. I (generally) don't want me to be murdered. I can safely assume that others are similar enough to me and also don't want to be murdered. Therefore, murder is wrong.
Hym "But my purported morality has no relationship to what I'm actually going to do because morality is the luxury of people whose quality of life is better than death. Mine isn't that and it decreases daily.
Morality is the link between individual human action and the surrounding society. It is based on reason and not emotion. It is timeless in principle. It has always sought the "good"of the society and continues to use terms such as justice as payment and law as judge. The presence of morality being equated as good or rewarded while the absence associated with bad or punished.
He was chasing morality or maybe perfection. A long race...
morality: standard principle of good behavious.
Morality: prayer is a talk to God but God has been talking to us, it seems morality if we had listened to God
An ultimately meaningless concept of "right versus wrong" which attempts to define both, but fails as evidenced by the existence of "moral gray areas."
Morality is often used to justify actions when in reality it carries no weight. The only justification within this world is power, as individuals who hold power will be remembered as righteous and moral so long as they continue to do so without creating too large an amount of fear.
"Thank God we have the police force."
"Yes, the police are always right and just and value morality."
"How could they ever be considered bad? They protect us by locking up those we disagree with in metal cages! Hooray!"
Principles concerning the difference between right and wrong
synonyms: Ethics, Virtue
“People are outraged over the smallest of things in social media.”
“Morality is but a fragment of ehat it once meant.”