when you save up your nut for a long time and then you shoot it so high it nearly breaks through the ceiling and lands on the moon (like Neil Armstrong).
shit bro i haven't nutted in a while. had a neil a last night. shit went stupid fuckin high dawg.
A sweet, kind lovable girl who loves to be with her friends and family. She is a great friend to everybody that she meets. She has a lot of great friends.You can't hide a secret to her because she can investigate it she is also a secret keeper of all.She is a great observer.She is beautiful, kind, loving, caring, and gorgeous.
Neil Laine is a great friend.
Find Neil Laine!
Billy-Neil is very funny, holds a good future and is very handsome, your lucky if you get to date one!!
A man who cannot tolerate bones in food. Also doesn’t get any action. Wears a wee willie winky nightgown and cap to bed.
I have a sneaking suspicion there is a Boneless Neil among us.
Just your friendly London Twat, no other words! He is a boy about 13-14 who plays Minecraft with his amazing friends
“Edmund Neil McLaughlan“ you are a twat who lives in London but somehow we all love him
The literal best queefer in town.
Woah, watch out for rubie neiles she queefs real good.