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Mac User

Someone who doesn't know anything about computers but still wants to feel superior.

PC User: I just got a new computer today. It's pretty awesome
Mac User: Well I just bought a Mac. It's eco-friendly.
PC User: Really? How fast is your Mac.
Mac User: Well it's a Mac, so... you know...
PC User: No I don't actually, please explain.
Mac User: Well, um... the processor... fast... RAM... gigabyte... Mac... *head explodes*

by justinmorneau April 14, 2009

111πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Big Mac

A heart attack

MMMM... big mac, Agghhh! Uhh...

by whoop dee doo August 4, 2003

493πŸ‘ 225πŸ‘Ž

Mac out

make over

Carter: wait a second. We can’t go like this. Look at this place, we gotta look fly. We gotta Mac out
(taken from Rush hour 2)

by fiekha March 30, 2011

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Mac Genius

The low of the low when it comes to tech support.

Also seen as an oxymoron in most tech circles.

Friend A: (Talking to friend who is a Mac Genius) Hey, can you help me with this problem I am having on this Server?

Friend B: Why are you asking him for help?!?

Friend A: I thought he was a Mac Genius.

Friend B: Again I ask, why are you asking him for help?

by NetSecHelp August 24, 2010

30πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Mac Attack

A Mac Attack is the art of getting half a dozen or more cups of (free) water from MacDonalds and going into a car at nightime with a group of friends and throwing the cups at unsuspecting people with the objective of it hitting them and soaking them in MacDonalds tap water with perhaps a few ice cubes.

A much cheaper modo-alternative to the traditional egging.

Laurence - Yo Conway you keen to do something tonight?

Conway - What you got planned?

Laurence - A Mac Attack what else

Conway - Count me and the boyz in bro'

by The OG Mac Attacker January 25, 2011

70πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Tanny Mac

Of Irish or Scottish descent on holiday or in the uk trying really hard to get a tan.

"Look at that geezer over there with his vest off.. absolute Tanny Mac"

by MrDanMac October 14, 2011

Mac Manus

The best fucking surname in the world.... FUCK THE MCs!

Yo, I'm a Mac Manus, none of this Mc (Mick) bullshit.

by Chmmr August 25, 2008