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slut whistle

Another name for a blowoff valve on a turbo charged car.

Just installed a slut whistle on my WRX, ain't it sweet?

by spaceyyy February 16, 2014

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muppet whistle


when a boy or man has big and/or curly hair.


An ugly guy between the ages of 14-18.


something you say or do when you see an ugly guy.


Heather: "whoa! look at that guys hair! he's a muppet!"


Jessica: "that guy wants to dance with me."

Marie: "no way!! he's a muppet!"


Girl 1to Girl 2: "I saw this hideous guy at the club the other night and he asked me to dance, so i had to blow the *muppet whistle*!"

by reinbby June 28, 2011

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Whistling Bastard

A Canadian term used by same Canadian's who live in the U.S.A. directed at men and women who Whistle way to much!

Canadian Pete said:You American's whistle way to much.Your a Whistling Bastard.

American Bob said:Why you don't like me Whistling.

Canadian Pete said: NO -What are you a Fucking Bird or a Fucking Cocksucker!

by pimp daddy sugar ray November 7, 2011

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fart whistle

Fart Whistle is when a human farts and it sounds like a whistle... I don't know what the he'll you where expecting.

Damn SETH that was a Damn good fart whistle! ;)

by broley38 August 24, 2017

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Steam Whistle

The act of pulling/sucking on the penis (giving head), and your boyfriend farts simultaneously.

Jenny sucker me off so good I made her an honorary captian of of my tug boat! I said , "way to blow that Steam Whistle Honey" - Thought she'd get mad , she just laughed, let me blame it on the dog and smiled! Keep sucking Baby. :)

by Snapking February 8, 2016

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Deep Whistle

Blowing into one's deep anal hole mimicking playing the flute in six grade.

He went so crazy on me he even did a deep whistle

by hankypankydeepwhistle June 4, 2019

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Dog Whistling

The act of using coded words, phrases or even emoji to say specific things to a specific group while seeming innocuous to the general public. It can be used for members of a group to acknowledge who each other are, or to rename issues so that they seem different to the general public, or to bring up events to push an agenda.

B: Why did you roll your eyes at the person talking about being shocked at Swedish rape statistics?
A: Well, they were dog whistling. Look at the comment closer.
B: Dog whistling what?
A: A certain group brings up the Swedish rape statistics in order to push the agenda that refugees are evil rapists. Since Sweden reports rapes in high numbers and also takes in many refugees they link the two. While this is correct, technically, it's misleading. Sweden REPORTS rapes in higher numbers because they count rape offences differently to other countries. So bringing up this misleading point about swedish crime statistics being shocking is a dog whistle to trick centrists into falling for their ideas.
B: Wow, that group must be really hateful and trash.

A: They are.

B:How do you know that they are part of that group though?
A:Check his handle, see those emojis? That's another act of dog whistling, members of that group use those emojis in their names to let other members know they are in on it.
B: But they're really inane things like an animal and a hand sign.
A: It wouldn't be very secret if it was just the flag they want to use, now would it?

Another example can be found in the dog whistling in this very definition. It's not very subtle but the idea is still there. The members of the group that I'm referring to know who they are and they got my message. And are probably very upset.

by VividAlice August 26, 2018

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