The result of eating a girls ass while she's on her period
Hey girl, let me give you The Bloody Goatee
A Bloody Elephant is formed on a man's penis and surrounding groin area when having sex with a woman during her menstrual cycle. After the act is finished, the man will have what would look like a bloody elephant on his thighs.
My girlfriend and I had sex in the dark and woke up to a surprise Bloody Elephant!
expression of an extreme degree of amazement and admiration
That movie looks bloody fantastic.
When your in public and your menstrual pad leaks and the blood goes all over the chair you are sitting on
T-" I got a bloody Throne today..." Mark-"Oh no how awful!"
When you jerk off too much the tip of your penis rips open at the tip,folding both halves back; Therfore the bloody flapjack
Dude did you hear what happened to Ethan?
He had to go to the hospital because he got a bloody flapjack!
The act of freezing a used tampon, and sucking on it while your partner gives you head
Last night was great. I got a bloody popsicle.