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DM famous Burgers from the LBC. Freshly ground Angus steak hamburger meat. Sometimes infused with chili, cheese, teriyaki sauce or just regular good ole salt, pepper and special seasonings. Name was introduced by Lambretta D.....from Paramount California about a decade ago..give or take a year or two
D from LBC+Angus Steak
Warning! When eating a Dangus burger it will take 2 days to digest and recover.......

Ate to many DANGUS burgers on Sunday...HILLBILLY!!!!!!!!!

by SO-CAL Burger Connisseur August 23, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

burger king

the king of all the burgers!

The burger king said to all the burgers "hail all burgers, you will do all that i say, or else you will be sent to a scoogy resteraunt where you will be sentenced to death( by being eaten by living creatures.)

by chris h. November 26, 2003

952๐Ÿ‘ 449๐Ÿ‘Ž

burger punk

the smart ass kid behind the counter who spits in cop's food and pokes holes into their soda cups

"Burger Punk......YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

by CECIL July 10, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Burger King

A food dweling that has speedy service. Burger King has complicated, innovate, bellow par food products, for instance the BK burger shots; they are so little, and tasty. Burger King makes it's customers feel as if they are cheap royalty by giving them paper crownds. Bk has a great mascot that always has a smiling face, and is appearing to make people's lives better.

"Wow where did you get that cute, little burger at?"

"Oh this, got it at Burger King"

"Woah Burger King is so orginal and unike any other cheap, burger joint, bk rocks"

"Yeah girl it does"

by kelso gauda April 9, 2009

157๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cum Burger

A delicious burger. No need to put salt or cheese, because the semen is so good it substitutes for both. Once you eat a Cum Burger you will never want to eat food again. Just semen.

"Hey, (friend) ever eat a Cum Burger?"

Friend: "Yea, I ate one last night. Instead of using sauce, I used sepsis mixed with Cum and shit to make bootyhole potions. My Cum Burger tasted so good, I am going on a 100% Cum only diet!"

by fortniteburgerexe April 28, 2022

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Cum burger

This is the sexual act of taking a man's jizz and putting It on an unsuspecting persons cheese burger and having them eat it and telling them it's mayonnaise

Haha you just ate a cum burger fag boy/girl

by Luciepoo March 13, 2022

Nothing Burger

-describes a big pile of nonsense

-a piece of crap

Their PowerPoint was a pile of nothing burger as it lacked context and direction

by TP2021 January 29, 2021