People who have a different political opinion than me.
“Oh, you voted democrat? COMMUNIST!
This word if they use it such as I’m a communist it means they are an idiot to use it like communist idiots that means they have above average intelligence.
Them: yea im a communist
You: ew get the fuck away from me
Degenerate, pile of trash, bad person who'd ruin the country
A person who believes in a classless, stateless and moneyless society with the means of production owned collectively
1) Donald Trump is a communist
2) I'm a proud communist
Any individual, organisation or country that has a different opinion againsts white people/anglos/liberals
Trump: we will not meddle in the affairs between China and Hong Kong
Libtards/anglos/White people: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fucking commie communist reeeeeeeeeeeeee
One who has suffered severe metal damage or has high amounts of autism/retardation, they belive in an irrealistic and un-democratic ideal.
They also like free helicopter rides when in Chile
Communist: "ThAt WaSn'T rEaL CoMmUism"
normal person: "McArthur was right
Anything Donald Trump doesn't like. Diametrically opposed to fascism, that which is anything Mrs. More-Complaints-Than-Brain-Cells Karen doesn't like.
"I think healthcare should be fr-" "COMMUNIST"
"McCarthyism sucks" "COMMIE"
"*CSGO Russian speaking" "cyka blyat, commie"
"I make minimum wage and spend more on taxes than everything else. Why is it so cruel?" "Lol get rekt commie scrub"