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People who have a different political opinion than me.

Oh, you voted democrat? COMMUNIST!

by coleesomethingsomething January 3, 2021


This word if they use it such as I’m a communist it means they are an idiot to use it like communist idiots that means they have above average intelligence.

Them: yea im a communist

You: ew get the fuck away from me

by Randoemji December 14, 2023


A very good person

Brooooo trump is so awesome!! he's a communist!!!

by Extremely High Boi April 25, 2023


Degenerate, pile of trash, bad person who'd ruin the country

A person who believes in a classless, stateless and moneyless society with the means of production owned collectively

1) Donald Trump is a communist

2) I'm a proud communist

by Moose in Canada December 21, 2022


Any individual, organisation or country that has a different opinion againsts white people/anglos/liberals

Trump: we will not meddle in the affairs between China and Hong Kong
Libtards/anglos/White people: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fucking commie communist reeeeeeeeeeeeee

by Based Perseus August 16, 2021


One who has suffered severe metal damage or has high amounts of autism/retardation, they belive in an irrealistic and un-democratic ideal.

They also like free helicopter rides when in Chile

Communist: "ThAt WaSn'T rEaL CoMmUism"
normal person: "McArthur was right

by Realduce February 13, 2024


Anything Donald Trump doesn't like. Diametrically opposed to fascism, that which is anything Mrs. More-Complaints-Than-Brain-Cells Karen doesn't like.

"I think healthcare should be fr-" "COMMUNIST"

"McCarthyism sucks" "COMMIE"

"*CSGO Russian speaking" "cyka blyat, commie"

"I make minimum wage and spend more on taxes than everything else. Why is it so cruel?" "Lol get rekt commie scrub"

by JosephineStalinette August 4, 2021