An Innocent, hardworking guy! With mesmerizing eyes and pretty curls. A person who is unique and truly himself. He's funny, so dedicated, and oh so gentle. A person who you want to protect. A person who changed you for the better. A person who you can truly be yourself around.
A person who you can't find the words to accurately describe becuase he is too sugoi.
"I miss being in the presence of Chester, I feel so appreciated and comfortable"
"I can't imagine how things would be like without my Chester"
"Thank you for being who you are, Chester! "
A person who won’t stop bugging you and makes you suicidal
Chester is being a real bitch today
When some one is called or referred to as an “Chester” it usually means they are giving pedo vibes
Yes here comes Rob hitting on the high school girls he’s such a chester
Winning team that always chest bumps in celebration.
After they made a putt, the chesters celebrated with a chest bump.
another word for cheater, taken from c
common misspelling when typing cheater.
mr Alvin and the chimpchesternuts explain why i am single??
Chester is a humble and introverted guy and doesn't like people.
But he has a big and kind heart.
He is cold, he doesn't know how to express his emotions well but he manages to hold a grudge. He cares a lot about the judgments of others, in fact he never manages to be himself 100%. While he may seem cold, reserved, emotionless and indifferent, in reality it might just be him armor of him or maybe he's really IDGAF of the people. He seems to trust people but in reality he can't be comfortable with anyone. He always seems so mysterious, you will never be able to understand what is going on in his head. He is always chill, but when he gets angry (he rarely gets pissed) he can be uncontrollable.
A: Look at this dude…
B: This guy is a Chester for sure!